Redevelopment of the Phoenix Park

Sir, – As a councillor for Cabra-Glasnevin, I am aware of significant opposition from local community groups and park users to the development plans outlined in your article "Big plans for Phoenix Park" (News, May 29th).

Specific concerns include the development of retail facilities in the park while retail already dominates the city; the intrusion of more car parks into this historic landscape instead of sustainable transport; the relegation of a focus on nature and biodiversity to one section of the park; and the prioritisation of tourist amenity over the conservation of nature, our oldest form of heritage.

I also have concerns at how open and well publicised the OPW’s public information stage has been. In 2019 one would expect to be able to view the draft report online rather than having to visit the park in person.

The Phoenix Park is an amazing amenity, the envy of most European cities. Let’s leave the Phoenix Park to nature rather than turn it into a theme park. – Yours, etc,



(Green Party),

Cabra, Dublin 7.