Talks on Drumm HSE position continue

Renewed contacts continued over the weekend between representatives of Prof Brendan Drumm and senior health service figures about…

Renewed contacts continued over the weekend between representatives of Prof Brendan Drumm and senior health service figures about the consultant paediatrician taking up the post as chief executive of the Health Service Executive (HSE).

The Irish Times revealed on Saturday that contacts between the parties had recommenced - several days after negotiations had broken down in a row over whether Prof Drumm should be allowed to resume his academic consultant post at Our Lady's Hospital for Sick Children in Crumlin when he completed his term of office in the HSE.

It is understood that one solution under discussion this weekend would see the health services fund the medical element of a new consultant post for Prof Drumm in Crumlin at the end of his term of office as HSE chief executive. The academic component of the professorship at UCD would be funded by a third party.

Neither the HSE, the Department of Health nor sources close to Prof Drumm would comment last night on the nature of the discussions under way.


A highly critical interview with Prof Drumm, which appeared in the Irish Medical Times last Thursday, had been recorded the previous week. In it, Prof Drumm criticised the pace of reform in the health service and indicated the negotiations on his appointment had derailed because his vision had been too ambitious.

Some sources said that the recruitment subcommittee of the board of the HSE may meet today to discuss the options available.

A spokesman for the HSE told The Irish Times at the weekend that the subcommittee would make a recommendation to the full board early this week.

Martin Wall

Martin Wall

Martin Wall is the Public Policy Correspondent of The Irish Times.