Planning review 'progressing well'

The review into planning matters in seven local authorities has not been abandoned, Minister for the Environment Phil Hogan has…

The review into planning matters in seven local authorities has not been abandoned, Minister for the Environment Phil Hogan has said.

Speaking at the Irish Planning Institute conference in Kilkenny today Mr Hogan said the review announced by his predecessor John was nearing completion.

However he said he wanted to avoid a situation where the investigation of planning complaints would “set off” another tribunal.

“I want to correct the public record by saying that there was never any question of this planning review not being completed, rather it was a change of approach in order to reduce the taxpayers possible exposure to significant costs.”


He said the review was progressing well and a report on the matter would be delivered shortly and would published.

“We want to be sure that when we sift through those complaints that they are valid, that they stand up to scrutiny and that they are not going to set off a very expensive tribunal.”

His officials were being “very careful” about verifying complaints and if external investigations were required arising out of that internal review of the department an external independent investigation would be established.

Separately Mr Hogan said the plight of the residents of Priory Hall, who were evacuated from their homes seven months ago was “appalling” but he hoped the new mediation process chaired by retired Supreme Court judge Joseph Finnegan would achieve a resolution.

“It is appalling... that such a nightmare would be foisted on people like the residents of Priory Hall through no fault of their own, and even though it has been long and protracted regrettably for the residents, I’m hopeful that the mediation system that has been put in place now under former justice Finnegan will help to resolve there matters with residents, local authorities and the financial institutions by July.”

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly is Dublin Editor of The Irish Times