Dublin city cycle lane funding slashed by €16m
National Transport Authority funding ‘substantially lower’ than in previous years, council says
Dublin’s dumpers have ‘no sense of pride’, says council waste chief
New legislation should make landlords responsible for tenants’ waste contracts, says Dublin City Council’s head of waste management
Dublin City Council to ‘remove and destroy’ Airbnb-style lockboxes in citywide blitz
Boxes attached to poles and cycle stands causing trip hazards, says council
Dublin City Council to borrow €132.5m for St Michael’s estate cost-rental scheme
Subsidised rent levels at Inchicore development to be known later this year
Peter McVerry Trust drops six Dublin city social housing projects
Schemes on vacant and derelict sites expected to be delayed or abandoned
Properties remain derelict after collapse of social housing deals with McVerry trust
Derelict and vacant sites left 'languishing' following withdrawal of trust from construction schemes
How are buildings designated as derelict?
Properties on the Derelict Sites Register are subject to a 7 per cent levy
Derelict Dublin: 10 unused northside buildings in a city gripped by a housing crisis
Including the former Coláiste Mhuire on Parnell Square, the former Guineys department store on Talbot Street, and a ‘shrine’ to Bram Stoker
Why are so many properties derelict in Dublin city centre during a housing crisis?
Greed is far from the only reason so many buildings lie vacant and neglected, often in prime locations. A carrot-and-stick approach could help heal these festering sores in the capital
More than 14,500 properties are vacant across Dublin
New figures from GeoDirectory show a fifth of the buildings have been vacant for more than four years
Derelict Dublin: 10 empty southside buildings in a city with a housing crisis
Including a 200-year-old College Street building, the site of a Kildare Street hotel and the former home of the City Arts Centre
Dublin City Council needs €132.5m loan for St Michael’s estate cost-rental scheme
Construction of council’s first ‘direct build’ cost-rental project, in Inchicore, will run to €450,500 per apartment
Rotunda building plan likened to ‘brick-clad cruise liner docked on Parnell Square’
Hospital says large-scale project is ‘critical’ to meeting needs of patients but heritage group criticises impact on Georgian Dublin
Ballymun to get biggest social housing development since towers demolition
Almost 300 social homes to be built on land left over from Ballymun regeneration project
Dublin city illegal dumping cameras to be operational by end of January
Cameras to catch dumpers will be switched on in north inner city, the State’s dirtiest urban area