IBM chairman appointed as head of digital hub

The chairman of IBM Ireland, Mr William Burgess has been appointed chairman of the company responsible for the development of…

The chairman of IBM Ireland, Mr William Burgess has been appointed chairman of the company responsible for the development of Dublin¿s Digital Hub, it was announced this afternoon.

Mr Burgess, who will be retiring as IBM chairman and managing director before the end of the year, will replace the former secretary general to the Taoiseach, Mr Paddy Teahon as executive chairman of the hub project's management team, Digital Media Development (DMD).

Development of the main elements of the digital hub project will not begin until September 2003 but DMD will provide some temporary office space for digital media companies from later this month.

The project, which was first announced in December 2000 by the Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, plans to create an international digital media enterprise centre in the Liberties area of Dublin.


It will seek to attract companies working in Web-based services, telecoms software, e-learning, video gaming and others sectors.

The €250 million public-private partnership project will require the refurbishment of properties fronting both sides of Thomas Street and the construction of several new buildings in the area.

It is expected that private-sector developers will have to invest about €120 million in the area to meet the criteria laid down in the strategy for the digital hub.

"I want to thank Mr Teahon for his enthusiasm, drive and hard work in bringing the project to this stage of development," the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources, Mr Dermot Ahern said in a statement released this afternoon.

Mr Ahern added that he hoped to have the Digital Hub Development Agency Bill enacted before Christmas which would enable the hub to be established on a statutory basis as a State agency.

Other board members include Mr Ron Bolger, formerly of Eircom; Mr Peter Cassels of ICTU, Dublin city manager Mr John Fitzgerald, Mr Dan Flinter of Enterprise Ireland, IBEC's Jackie Harrison, Mr Don Thornhill of HEA, U2 manager Mr Paul McGuinness, and entrepreneur Mr Paul Kavanagh.

Conor Pope

Conor Pope

Conor Pope is Consumer Affairs Correspondent, Pricewatch Editor