Eur2m package to help Liberia

The Government has announced details of a €2 million humanitarian aid package for Liberia on foot of the signing of the peace…

The Government has announced details of a €2 million humanitarian aid package for Liberia on foot of the signing of the peace agreement between the Liberian government, political parties and rebels this week.

Some €1.1 million of the package has been allocated to Irish non-governmental organisations working in Liberia, including Trócaire, Concern and Oxfam Ireland.

The biggest portion of the money, €400,000, will go to Trócaire which is supporting emergency assistance to displaced Liberians.

Announcing details of the aid package, the Minister of State for Human Rights, Mr Tom Kitt, said the peace settlement was "an important step towards ending nearly 14 years of civil war" in Liberia.


Concern and Oxfam Ireland will get €200,000 each to meet public health and sanitary needs of people in makeshift camps, mainly in Monrovia. World Vision Ireland will receive funding for its emergency health care activities.

Among the international agencies to get support from the Government are UNICEF, which has been allocated, €300,000, the UN Office for Co-ordination of Humanitarian Activities, which will receive €200,000, the Red Cross which gets €250,000 and the International Rescue Committee with €150,000.

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly is Dublin Editor of The Irish Times