‘The poor old motorist takes all the stick’

Extracts from emails to the RSA, 2014-2015

“The dog in the street is wondering how the couple concerned drive the six miles round trip three or four evenings a week, and do so absolutely undeterred at the prospect of being apprehended for drink driving.”

"I was tempted to argue if I was a politician or a family member of same, or if one was a GAA or rugby star or a member of RTÉ, or a family member of a garda etc etc we would have only to make a call and there would be no fine and no points, but unfortunately I don't belong to that elite grouping, nor do I want to be either."

“If you are ‘lucky’ enough to catch one old or extremely old driver in front of you, then you can start watch(ing) TV or play games on your mobile. It takes them to pass through a roundabout about two minutes, even if there is nobody coming from (the) right. ”

“We are a country of rules but no action, the poor old motorist takes all the stick from the RSA and the gardaí.”


“In Cork they have a fascination with changing the size and shape of footpaths and roads, so much so that buses cannot traverse the city without taking large swings out to get round or driving over extended corners of footpaths.”

“I don’t consider this [60KM/H]speeding. I’m a taxi driver. I’m driving an average of 10 hours a day every day of the week. The speed limits set for daytime driving are unrealistic for night driving when the road conditions are completely different. Where is the RSA’s sense of reason?”

“If I could suggest that personnel go and have a look [at the M50/N4 junction], pretend they are from Mars and have to negotiate the layout.”

“I recognise the need to slow down and stay between legal and safe limits at all times, however, it is unfortunate that we have such high-quality motorways that are not being used the way they should be.”