Anniversary of cyclist’s death prompts new close-pass safety appeal

Family of Donna Fox calls on drivers to allow more time and space while overtaking

Donna Fox of Belgee, Naul, Co Dublin was cycling to work when she was fatally injured on September 6th, 2016

The family of Donna Fox, who was killed in a crash involving a truck driver five years ago, has appealed to motorists to give cyclists time and space, and has urged the Garda to be more proactive in catching drivers who overtake cyclists too closely.

On the fifth anniversary of his sister's death, while cycling in Dublin's north inner city, Neil Fox has launched the "give time, give space" campaign.

He is calling on drivers to give cyclists space when passing and to slow down and pause briefly, if needed. “Seconds longer to a journey can be the difference between life and death,” Mr Fox said.

"It is also a direct appeal to An Garda Síochána to work at enforcing the 2019 'dangerous overtaking of a cyclist' legislation in a more robust way and to the Department of Justice to look at how to simplify the system of reporting a dangerous passing. This is a matter of urgency."


Donna Fox (30) of Belgee, Naul, Co Dublin was cycling to work when she was fatally injured in a collision on September 6th, 2016.

Mr Fox said his sister “brightened up the lives of all who knew and loved her”. He and his family were remembering her with the launch of the “give time, give space” appeal on Monday, the fifth anniversary of her death.

Conor Lally

Conor Lally

Conor Lally is Security and Crime Editor of The Irish Times