Council promises to act on condition of flats

DUBLIN CITY Council has promised “immediate action” to address deteriorating conditions at a south inner city flats complex following…

DUBLIN CITY Council has promised “immediate action” to address deteriorating conditions at a south inner city flats complex following reports of a rat infestation.

Living conditions at St Teresa’s Gardens in Dolphin’s Barn, a 1950s council flats complex beside the Coombe maternity hospital, have continued to worsen since plans for its regeneration collapsed last year.

A maintenance survey conducted by the estate’s regeneration board in recent weeks has identified serious structural and maintenance problems, including damp, sewage in baths and sinks, flooding and vermin infestations.

Rats have been reported in nine of the 14 blocks of flats. Just over half of all residents have problems with damp, one-fifth reported sewage coming through the plug holes of sinks and baths, while 10 per cent complained of broken glass and drugs paraphernalia in the children’s playground.


Two-thirds said these problems had previously been reported to the council but had not been resolved, and conditions were continuing to deteriorate.

Regeneration board chairman Seán Daly, a former master of the Coombe hospital, said the conditions in the flats were shocking.

“It is clear that many of the most commonly reported problems such as damp and sewage are related to the age of the buildings, and it is difficult to see how they can be resolved without complete demolition and redevelopment.”

Acting assistant city manager Martin Kavanagh yesterday said the council recognised there was a “significant number of maintenance problems” involved.

“We appreciate that remedial action needs to be taken as soon as possible, and we will be working closely with the regeneration board to deal with the maintenance issues raised in the report as a matter of urgency.”

Proposals for the long-term future of the complex are due to be put to the Government early next year. Residents are seeking complete demolition and rebuilding of the estate.

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly is Dublin Editor of The Irish Times