This week in the garden: prune wisteria and introduce winter-flowering

Fionnuala Fallon helps with your gardening diary

If you grow wisteria, now is a good time to give this twining climbing plant its first pruning of the year (the second pruning is done in July/August) in order to keep it in shape and to encourage a good display of its beautiful flowers. Using a sharp secateurs, cut back shoots along lateral stems to two to three buds.

If your garden is suffering from the winter doldrums, then consider injecting some welcome colour and perfume by introducing some shrubby winter-flowering plants such as witch hazel (Hamamelis, pictured left), Mahonia, winter honeysuckle (Lonicera fragrantissima and L. elisae), Sarcococca and Daphne (compact and long-flowering, Daphne ‘Eternal Fragrance’ is even suitable for container growing).

Clean garden tools in preparation for the busy months ahead. Use a wire brush to remove mud/debris before washing handles and blades in water.

Once they’ve fully dried, apply a coat of boiled linseed oil to wooden handles and carbon-steel parts (this isn’t necessary for stainless steel tools). Some tools will also need to be sharpened.


Mr Middleton ( stocks a two-in-one tungsten and diamond tool sharpener and also offers a full sharpening and repair service for Felco secateurs.


Wednesday, January 20th:

Floral art demonstration by Janet Maddock, 8pm, at Three Rock Rovers Hockey Club,  Grange Road, Marlay Park, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16. Tel: 01-4937154; ]