Ally Alpine (pictured above) is one of several Scots who landed in Ireland to work for the UK off- licence chain Oddbins, and stayed on when they departed. Alpine saw an opportunity to make a name selling high-quality whiskey and other spirits. “I had seen whiskey shops thriving in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Manchester and thought it could work here. We probably started a little too early, but interest has grown with younger people, and women in particular, becoming more aware.” His Celtic Whiskey shop on Dawson Street in Dublin, runs a tasting club that meets once a month and posts out mystery bottles.
Married to an Irish woman, Alpine’s loyalties are split; “I recently had the strange experience of going to an Ireland Scotland rugby match with my son, he supporting Ireland and me Scotland.”
In October, Celtic Whiskey Shop will host Whisky Live, an international show that is held in capital cities around the world.

The event takes place in the Round Room at the Mansion House on October 25th. Tickets, at €37.50, are available from Celtic Whiskey Shop, 27-28 Dawson Street, Dublin 2, tel 01-675974,
John Wilson