Have you taken a home DNA test? Share your stories

Postal DNA kits can reveal a lot more about your ancestry and medical background than anticipated

Have you taken a home DNA test?

Marie Claire Digby writes today about how a 'just for fun' home DNA test kit, taken by a woman who thought she was of Irish ancestry, produced results that changed the lives of two families . The story of Alice Collins Plebuch, revealed in a long-read Washington Post article over the weekend, highlights how these 'just for fun' DNA kits can reveal a lot more about a person's ancestry, family history and medical background than anticipated.

Such home DNA tests, which cost about€100 and involve sending a saliva sample in the post, are becoming increasingly common.

Irish Times Abroad would like to hear from readers who have taken these tests. What did you find out? Send your stories (no more than 600 words) to abroad@irishtimes.com. A selection may be published in print or online. Thank you.