Smoked salmon and creamed potato bake with herb salad

Smoked salmon and creamed potato bake with herb salad. Photograph: Harry Weir Photography
Serves: 4
Course: Lunch, dinner
Cooking Time: 30 mins
Prep Time: 20 mins


  • Sea salt
  • 1kg medium rooster potatoes
  • Softened butter, to line the oven dish
  • 200g smoked salmon
  • 30g butter, in small cubes
  • Sea salt and black pepper
  • 200ml single cream
  • 50g parmesan, grated
  • 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tbsp white wine vinegar
  • 1/2 tbsp dijon mustard
  • Handful fresh mint leaves
  • Handful fresh parsley leaves
  • Handful fresh dill sprigs
  1. Preheat the oven to 190C. Bring a large pot of water to the boil and season well with salt. Peel the roosters and place them in the water to par boil for 5-6 minutes, then strain and allow to cool.
  2. Slice the potatoes into 2cm thick slices. Line a small oven dish with the soft butter. Start by placing a layer of half the smoked salmon on the base, then an even layer of the sliced potato. Season the potato with some salt and pepper and add the cubes of butter, then add a layer of the rest of the salmon followed by another layer of potato. Heat the cream in a small pot, then pour the cream over the layers of potato and salmon and top with the grated Parmesan. Bake in the oven for 25 minutes at 190C until caramelised.
  3. While the bake is in the oven, make the vinaigrette. Add the oil, vinegar, Dijon mustard, and a pinch of salt and pepper to a bowl and whisk together with a hand whisk, then set aside.
  4. Remove the bake from the oven after 25 minutes when golden and caramelised, and allow it to sit for 5 minutes before serving.
  5. Lightly dress the mint, parsley and dill with the vinaigrette just before serving, and serve alongside the smoked salmon and potato bake.
Mark Moriarty

Mark Moriarty

Mark Moriarty is an award winning chef, TV host, author and Irish Times columnist.