Third group challenges DAA runway plan

Court fast-tracks action by Friends of the Irish Environment to run with other challenges

Aircraft at Dublin Airport. The latest proceedings arise from Fingal County Council’s decision of March 7th to extend planning permission for development of the 3,110m runway

A third action opposing planning permission for a new €320 million runway at Dublin Airport is to be fast-tracked by the Commercial Court.

Mr Justice Brian McGovern agreed on Monday that the proceedings were urgent, and fixed the case for hearing on October 3rd, when two other related challenges are due to be heard.

The latest action is by Friends of the Irish Environment against Fingal County Council and the State, with the Dublin Airport Authority plc as a notice party. It seeks judicial review to overturn the planning authority's decision.

The environmental group claims the permission was not granted in compliance with EU Directives, including the Habitats Directive or the 2000 Planning and Development Act.


It also argues the decision breaches constitutional rights to bodily integrity and will result in additional greenhouse gas emissions, increasing the pace of climate change.

The DAA sought to have the case fast-tracked for several reasons, including the fact that it concerns a €320 million infrastructural development of national importance and that the two other challenges had already been admitted to the list.

The proceedings arise from Fingal County Council’s decision of March 7th last to extend planning permission for development of the new 3,110m runway. The five-year extension was sought by the DAA because an existing planning approval for the development is due to expire in August.

The proposed development will be on 261 hectares in townlands north and northwest of the airport terminal buildings.

The other two actions have been taken by 22 individual residents – most with addresses at Kilreesk Lane, St Margaret’s, Co Dublin – and the St Margaret’s Concerned Residents Group.