French may vote on EU treatyFrance may join Ireland and Denmark in holding a referendum on the EU's Amsterdam Treaty following a controversial decision this…Sat Jan 03 1998 - 00:00
More than half of Irish see themselves as racistSome 55 per cent of Irish people define themselves as "racist", but this is significantly lower than the two-thirds of Europeans…Sat Dec 20 1997 - 00:00
Separating the enemies from the few friendsIn the spirit of the season, this week my contribution to your enlightenment on matters European is a poemFri Dec 19 1997 - 00:00
Santer assures Ahern on 10% rateThe Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, has received an unequivocal commitment from the EU Commission that manufacturing companies already in…Fri Dec 19 1997 - 00:00
EU proposes reductions in regional aidsAn across-the-board reduction in the maximum subsidies national governments can give to industry - known here as "regional aids…Tue Dec 16 1997 - 00:00
Walsh to insist on access for Irish beefThe Minister for Agriculture, Mr Walsh, yesterday protested to fellow farm ministers over continuing obstructions to access by…Tue Dec 16 1997 - 00:00
EU declaration stresses ambiguity in compromise on managing euroConfirmation of the ambiguity at the heart of the EU leaders' compromise on single currency management came on Saturday with …Mon Dec 15 1997 - 00:00
Ahern pleased as leaders shy away from Agenda 2000EU leaders made an important commitment on Saturday to the long-term future of EU farm spending but otherwise, to the delight…Mon Dec 15 1997 - 00:00
Summit most important meeting since war, says Kohl"Historic", a word whose constant use has debased its meaning, was not enough for Germany's Chancellor, Dr Helmut KohlMon Dec 15 1997 - 00:00
EU leaders settle the ins and outs of euro managementEuropean Union leaders last night reached agreement on the shape of the controversial committee of euro-participating states, …Sat Dec 13 1997 - 00:00
Terms for substantial enlargement are agreedThe EU last night set in train its most substantial enlargement yet with agreement by leaders on the formal opening next March…Sat Dec 13 1997 - 00:00
EU leaders clear way for euroAn acrimonious disagreement between EU member-states about the management of the single currency was last night resolved, clearing…Sat Dec 13 1997 - 00:00
Sprinkling enough `magic dust' to cloud inequalitiesThere is a common theme to the three discussions which will dominate the EU summit here in Luxembourg over the next two days: …Fri Dec 12 1997 - 00:00
Pre-summit deal aims to solve euro management dilemmaAs EU leaders arrived here for today's summit the Luxembourg Presidency last night was still desperately trying to stitch up …Fri Dec 12 1997 - 00:00
Santer gives pledge on fundingUrging the EU summit, which begins tomorrow, to give a green light to Commission proposals on enlargement, the President of the…Thu Dec 11 1997 - 00:00
Court rules on EU movement of goodsThe failure of a member-state to protect and uphold the free movement of goods is a violation of its obligations under the Treaty…Wed Dec 10 1997 - 00:00
Ireland gets derogation with EU gas directiveEU energy ministers yesterday agreed a new directive on gas liberalisation which provides an important derogation for Ireland…Tue Dec 09 1997 - 00:00
British evidence on bone meat referred to EU subcommitteeEU scientists yesterday refer red new British evidence on the safety of bone-in meat to a specialist sub-committee for consideration…Tue Dec 09 1997 - 00:00
Mexico signs major treaty with EUMexico signalled "a new era" in its relations with Europe yesterday with the signing in Brussels of a major new treaty with the…Tue Dec 09 1997 - 00:00
Cautious Andrews expected to report to EU after meeting Algerian president today on surprise visitThe Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Andrews, last night arrived in Algeria on a surprise 24-hour factfinding missionTue Dec 09 1997 - 00:00
An Irishman's DiaryBear with me, please, gentle reader. This is a complicated tale of woe, a battle of David and Goliath, in several actsMon Dec 08 1997 - 00:00
EU's peace programme begins to yield dividendsIn a frantic 24-hour visit to the North last week, the EU Commissioner for Regional Affairs, Ms Monika Wulf-Mathies saw the union…Fri Dec 05 1997 - 00:00
Ministers agree total ban on tobacco advertisingEU Health Ministers last night reached agreement on a complete ban on tobacco advertising after 12 hours of tense talks during…Fri Dec 05 1997 - 00:00
British could face EU action over beef blockadeThe British government will face EU legal action over the blockade of Irish beef unless it can satisfy the Commission it is taking…Fri Dec 05 1997 - 00:00
Newspapers fight EU tobacco ad banNewspapers, publishers and the advertising industry have been rallying in a last-ditch attempt to block the EU's likely ban on…Wed Dec 03 1997 - 00:00
Budget to announce company tax rateThe standard rate at which companies in Ireland will be taxed in the period after 2005 will be announced by the Minister for …Tue Dec 02 1997 - 00:00
5,000 rally in Brussels to retain duty-freeTrade unionists fighting for the retention of duty-free took their campaign to Brussels yesterday, literally storming the portals…Tue Dec 02 1997 - 00:00
EU ready to soften its earlier stanceThe European Union, which is calling for dramatic cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, is ready to soften its position by moving…Mon Dec 01 1997 - 00:00
More Luas delays could lose £100m in EU fundingMore than £100 million of EU funds earmarked for Luas may be lost to Ireland if there are further significant delays in the project…Sat Nov 29 1997 - 00:00
NI peace project backed by Brussels reportThe European Commission has endorsed the work of the special EU peace programme for Northern Ireland and the Border regionsThu Nov 27 1997 - 00:00
EU vet team seeks changes in North's slaughter systemAn EU veterinary inspection team sent to Northern Ireland to look at its beef-tracking system has suggested major reforms of …Wed Nov 26 1997 - 00:00
Ministers' deadlock remains over EU strategy for growthEU Foreign Ministers yesterday remained deadlocked over how to launch the EU's enlargement process to central and eastern Europe…Tue Nov 25 1997 - 00:00
EU states agree to take stronger action to reduce unemploymentThe special EU summit ended with pledges that movement to a single European currency will be accompanied by more vigorous programmes…Sat Nov 22 1997 - 00:00
Flynn agenda gives summit guidelines for reformPadraig Flynn is in great form these days, a bit like the cat that got the creamFri Nov 21 1997 - 00:00
EU attempts to regain credibility on jobsSome 18 million people are unemployed in the European Union, each one a testimony to the harsh, uncaring face of Europe's great…Fri Nov 21 1997 - 00:00
Farm ministers give go-ahead to latest proposals on CAP reformEU farm ministers yesterday gave broad agreement to the thrust of Commission proposals to continue the reform of the Common Agricultural…Wed Nov 19 1997 - 00:00
EU steps up pressure on preferential company taxThe tougher approach taken recently by the European Commissioner for Competition, Mr Karel van Miert, to special fiscal regimes…Wed Nov 19 1997 - 00:00
EU Finance Ministers fail to agree on money policyEU Finance Ministers have failed to agree on how monetary policy will be co-ordinated after the introduction of the euroTue Nov 18 1997 - 00:00
Only qualified approval for EU accounts managementThe EU Court of Auditors will only give qualified approval to the EU's accounts again this year, having found that more than £…Tue Nov 18 1997 - 00:00
Accounts of Irish agencies criticisedIrish accounting for structural funds, particularly those targeted at business, comes in for criticism from the Court of Auditors…Tue Nov 18 1997 - 00:00
Farmers hugely over-compensated under CAPThe case for the European Commission to press ahead with CAP reform will be strengthened today when the annual report of the …Tue Nov 18 1997 - 00:00
Taoiseach to appeal axing of duty-free facility by EUThe Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, has decided to use the EU's employment summit in Luxembourg on Friday to appeal to fellow leaders to…Mon Nov 17 1997 - 00:00
Harney seeks delay on tax reformIRELAND must be given until 2005 to reduce its general rate of company tax to 12Fri Nov 14 1997 - 00:00
Van Miert targets Ireland's 10% corporation taxWith customary zeal, the EU's Competition Commissioner is seeking reforms in Europe's state aids regimesFri Nov 14 1997 - 00:00
Santer throws weight behind EU jobs planThe President of the European Commission, Mr Jacques Santer, yesterday threw his reputation behind controversial Commission proposals…Thu Nov 13 1997 - 00:00
Court backs positive bias to end gender imbalancePositive discrimination to give women public service jobs ahead of equally qualified men has been copper-fastened by a ruling…Wed Nov 12 1997 - 00:00
Ireland gets £29m more for researchIreland has secured a further £29 million in EU research funding, the Minister of State for Science, Mr Noel Treacy, said yesterday…Tue Nov 11 1997 - 00:00
Harney could face cool reception at EU meetingThe announcement by Boston Scientific is likely to add spice to the difficult negotiations between Ireland and the Commission…Mon Nov 10 1997 - 00:00
Call for funding to trap world wide Web firmsIreland could become the major European base for international software companies' web sites, if the Government seeks to direct…Mon Nov 10 1997 - 00:00
French try to assert political control over EU monetary policyWas a deal done between the French and the Germans, a gentleman's agreement that Bonn would support a French nominee for head…Fri Nov 07 1997 - 00:00