Paris fire: ‘I see my neighbours crouched on their balconies, screaming for help’Ten dead and arson suspect transferred to psychiatric hospital after fire at apartment blockTue Feb 05 2019 - 16:30
First World War grenade found among potatoes at crisp factoryThe German grenade had been accidentally shipped from northern France to Hong KongMon Feb 04 2019 - 19:40
France to increase HPV vaccinations in fight against cervical cancerEfforts to inoculate 60% of girls stepped up amid ‘unfounded rumours’ about vaccineMon Feb 04 2019 - 19:30
Controversy builds in France as 130 jihadists to return from SyriaAuthorities examine options to detain the ‘potentially dangerous’ French citizensThu Jan 31 2019 - 19:10
Ian Bailey to be tried for Toscan du Plantier murder in Paris in MayBailey denies involvement in the murder and is still considering participating in the trialWed Jan 30 2019 - 21:33
Macron pivots towards focus on human rights abuses in EgyptFrench president on visit to Cairo tells Sisi he should restore civil rights and libertiesTue Jan 29 2019 - 20:26
Historic French Communist newspaper falls victim to facts of capitalism‘L’Humanité’ faces liquidation after 115 years in print, as funding options run outTue Jan 29 2019 - 01:00
Free public transport – could it work for Dublin?Dunkirk is latest European city to offer a free-fare system. Could we follow suit?Sat Jan 26 2019 - 06:00
Macron under pressure from human rights groups over Egypt tripÉlysée promises French president will raise subjects of repression and abuse in CairoSat Jan 26 2019 - 05:01
Pro-Macron march in Paris likely to flop under shadow of ‘gilets jaunes’Minds of French politicians turning nervously to European parliamentary electionsThu Jan 24 2019 - 19:00
France and Italy’s relationship is close to breaking pointMigration row between the two governments highlights the shattering of historic tiesThu Jan 24 2019 - 01:00
Brexit: EU ‘obliged’ to check goods at Border if no-deal, says BarnierBackstop cannot be time limited in bid to avert no agreement, says bloc’s chief negotiatorWed Jan 23 2019 - 16:22
Economic evidence does not support claims by ‘Gilets Jaunes’ about inequalityFrance one of world’s leading redistributors of wealth, according to OECDWed Jan 23 2019 - 01:00
France and Germany to sign new treaty on co-operationMacron and Merkel set for bland commitment to relaunch Franco-German projectsTue Jan 22 2019 - 01:00
Brexit tests entente cordiale between French ports and UKBritish plans for new ferry routes ‘insolent’ and disrespectful, says Calais port chiefFri Jan 18 2019 - 01:00
Macron faces virulent criticism as he opens ‘great national debate’French president’s ‘contemptuousness’ raised during meeting with 600 mayorsTue Jan 15 2019 - 18:52
Paris Letter: Macron in push to salvage rest of his presidencyPresident’s six-page letter tells citizens he intends ‘to transform anger into solutions, with you’Mon Jan 14 2019 - 19:00
Yellow vests' reactionary and populist traits not just a French problemDefining inclinations of the movement are a clear and present danger to EuropeMon Jan 14 2019 - 01:00
Paris shaken in wake of powerful gas-leak explosionJudiciary police ‘not excluding any possibility’ as death toll rises to four dead, 50 injuredSun Jan 13 2019 - 20:03
Berthe Morisot: ‘I have sinned, I have suffered, I have atoned’A fine new show re-establishes the painter as a leading impressionist but miscasts her as a feminist iconSat Jan 12 2019 - 06:00
Former France presidential candidate Fillon likely to stand trialFrançois and Penelope Fillon could be prosecuted over scandal that destroyed his 2017 campaignFri Jan 11 2019 - 17:08
Frenchman on trial for first murders committed by Isis in EuropeJihadist Mehdi Nemmouche accused of killing four in Brussels Jewish MuseumWed Jan 09 2019 - 19:27
Paris Letter: Yellow vest riots are too close to home for city-dwelling elitesProtesters from neglected countryside knocking on the door of bourgeois ParisiansWed Jan 09 2019 - 01:00
Vows of silence: Clergy on trial in France for failing to report abuseCardinal Barbarin of Lyon and five others accused over priest’s abuse of boy scoutsMon Jan 07 2019 - 20:03
Macron’s credibility was dented by more than the yellow vestsFrench president will have to work hard to salvage reputation at home and abroadSat Dec 29 2018 - 06:00
Macron’s sacked bodyguard resurfaces to give French president a new headacheAlexandre Benalla in fresh scandal over use of diplomatic passport and role in arms tradeSat Dec 29 2018 - 05:00
Chaos shifts from French streets to politics and the economyParis Letter: Debate will attempt to ‘take the pulse of the country’ after widespread unrestFri Dec 21 2018 - 01:00
Friends, family of fatally stabbed lecturer bid him adieuMemorial service for John Dowling, killed in Paris, was a joyful celebration of his lifeWed Dec 19 2018 - 01:00
Strasbourg attack: Suspect Cherif Chekatt killed in police shootoutThe 29-year-old is suspected of Christmas market assault that left three deadThu Dec 13 2018 - 22:43
Funeral of murdered Irish lecturer to be held in ParisJohn Dowling who had taught at the college for 20 years was stabbed by a former studentThu Dec 13 2018 - 19:44
Strasbourg attack: Police issue photo of suspectTerror investigation begins after two killed by gunman near Christmas marketWed Dec 12 2018 - 22:11
Four dead, gunman identified after shooting at Strasbourg Christmas marketMany injured, internal security services knew gunman as suspected security riskTue Dec 11 2018 - 22:25
‘New contract’ for France as Macron pledges minimum wage riseIn response to yellow vest crisis, president announces boosts to purchasing powerMon Dec 10 2018 - 22:10
‘They smashed the window with fists. There’s blood on the glass’Central Paris’s streets were once more a mess of tear gas, protesters and debrisSun Dec 09 2018 - 21:12
French protests take place for fourth week in rowMassive deployment of security as 136,000 engage in acts of violence and destructionSun Dec 09 2018 - 18:59
Violence flares in Paris as more than 900 charged over protestsBarricade of burning rubbish bins built as ‘yellow vests’ demonstrateSat Dec 08 2018 - 19:39
Paris protest: ‘We don’t hate rich people. It’s the injustice we hate’Restive city draws sharp police reaction to yellow vest protesters who turn ire on MacronSat Dec 08 2018 - 19:28
Colleagues pay tribute to Irish teacher murdered in ParisJohn Dowling ‘loved what he taught and the people he taught it to’Thu Dec 06 2018 - 19:24
John Dowling, Irish teacher killed in Paris, was ‘profoundly kind’Marine Le Pen comments on fatal stabbing of lecturer (66) after arrest of Pakistani citizenThu Dec 06 2018 - 00:26
Irish college lecturer in Paris stabbed to death by ex-studentJohn Dowling (66) had been teaching English in France for the past 20 yearsWed Dec 05 2018 - 18:31
Macron makes humiliating climbdown in face of yellow vests protestsLarge segment of population view Macron as the ‘president of the rich’Wed Dec 05 2018 - 01:00
Macron silent as ‘yellow vests’ mobilise for another Paris protestWoman (80) becomes fourth person to die in violence that threatens rest of president’s termMon Dec 03 2018 - 18:30
Desire to glorify French ‘revolutionary spirit’ helps to explain riotingAnger over fuel taxes worsens over falling living standards and Macron’s perceived aloofnessSun Dec 02 2018 - 20:06
Mayors to Emmanuel Macron: Hands off our purse stringsFrench president seeks to improve relations with rural mayors angry over cuts to resourcesWed Nov 21 2018 - 01:00
Shades of the 1789 revolution in France's fuel protestsIt’s easy to imagine the unpopular Macron as a powdered marquis being led to the guillotineTue Nov 20 2018 - 01:00
Ségolène Royal staging umpteenth comeback in French politicsPolitician’s new book takes aim at Macron, former partner Hollande and sexismSat Nov 17 2018 - 05:01
Lasting impression: Matching Renoir’s films with his father’s masterpiecesFreudians would have a field day with Jean’s allusions to Pierre-Auguste’s paintingsSat Nov 17 2018 - 05:00
Revolt over high fuel prices threatens to paralyse FranceRise of the ‘gilets jaunes’ coincides with Macron’s record low 26% approval ratingFri Nov 16 2018 - 01:00
Making sense of a changing Arab worldBook author notes how much jihadism evolved between 9/11 and the 2015 Bataclan attacksThu Nov 15 2018 - 01:00
Election meddling to become more sophisticated, forum hearsTransatlantic Commission on Election Integrity sets out to prevent interferenceWed Nov 14 2018 - 01:00