Pope Francis increases physical activity and celebrates start of Lent, Vatican says

Francis resumed some work, including a call to the Catholic parish priest in Gaza, and remains in stable condition

A woman crosses herself in front of a picture of Pope Francis during the celebration of Ash Wednesday at the Basilica San Jose de Flores in Buenos Aires. Photograph: Getty Images
A woman crosses herself in front of a picture of Pope Francis during the celebration of Ash Wednesday at the Basilica San Jose de Flores in Buenos Aires. Photograph: Getty Images

Pope Francis has increased his physical activity, called the Catholic parish priest in Gaza and celebrated the start of Lent by receiving ashes on his forehead, the Vatican said on Wednesday.

Francis suffered no respiratory crises during the day, receiving oxygen through a nasal tube, a statement said.

He will resume the use of a non-invasive mechanical mask for the night, the Vatican said, adding that he remains in a stable condition.

During the morning he participated in an Ash Wednesday celebration, receiving ashes and Holy Communion.


He later set to work, which included a call to the Rev Gabriel Romanelli, the Argentine priest who is the parish priest of the Holy Family church in Gaza.

On Tuesday, he was breathing with just the help of supplemental oxygen after respiratory crises a day earlier, but resumed using a ventilation mask at night, the Vatican said.

Francis was admitted to hospital on February 14th, and the stay is the longest of his 12-year papacy. – Agencies