A fifth of homelessness budget should be spent on prevention measures, Threshold says
Charity says landlords are taking advantage of the rent pressure zones system
Charity says landlords are taking advantage of the rent pressure zones system
Tenants were ordered to pay more than €4.3 million in rent arrears by RTB tribunals in the period from January to November of this year
A recent Residential Tenancies Board tribunal ruling found that a tenant who rented a room in an apartment had no contractual relationship with the landlord
Hundreds of people looking for a roof over their heads are scammed each year, and Garda figures show just 30 per cent of victims are Irish, highlighting how vulnerable international students and workers can be
Irish Council for International Students research finds more than one in four international students seek accommodation on group chats and social media pages, where scams are more common
Charity’s report shows tenancy termination biggest issue facing its clients
Memo to be circulated to Cabinet before Sinn Féin bill reaches debate stage on Tuesday
Housing charity says that this year, 54 per cent of respondents feeling either insecure or very insecure in their accommodation, up from 48 per cent last year and 44 per cent in 2022
Agency says it helped to prevent 1,235 adults and 983 children from losing their homes during the quarter
Housing charity Threshold’s comments come as RTB deals with increasing number of disputes about deposit retention
Tenancy convictions continue to pose biggest issue for tenants
The charity published its quarterly impact report between the period July to September
Officials had not yet ‘gotten to the bottom’ of situation facing homelessness charity, O’Brien says
Threshold says such a measure has worked with some success in Portugal
Levi Amarilo fell victim to a complex scam in which no refunds could be issued
Threshold prevented 880 households from entering homelessness in the second quarter, its latest report shows
WRC awards €1,800 to woman discriminated against by letting agent due to being on Housing Assistance Payment
Social, environmental and voluntary organisations highlight ‘unprecedented crisis’ ahead of national economic dialogue
Threshold and Alone report shows 42% of participants are highly stressed over the insecurity of their accommodation
Tenants’ rights charity says most notices issued in the first quarter of this year were due to landlords saying they intended to sell the property
Short-term rentals are exacerbating the housing crisis in Dublin and elsewhere, charities warn
More than 400 tenants who received eviction notices contacted housing charity Threshold this month
Threshold warns thousands of households could enter homelessness unnecessarily from next month
Threshold has received queries from 1,853 renters who face eviction once the ban lifts
Almost 59% of notices were due to landlords intending to sell properties, figures from housing charity Threshold show
Landlord Michael Woodlock told tenant ‘we don’t do business’ with State’s housing assistance scheme
Threshold urges people to get in touch if they receive an eviction notice or a steep rent rise
Threshold says tenancy termination still the largest issue facing private tenants
Politicians are to be briefed on the preliminary results of new research by the Residential Tenancies Board
New temporary moratorium on evictions to last until March 31st
‘Paradox’ in rent-a-room tax breaks compared to small landlords, Threshold says
Discrimination complaint upheld by the Workplace Relations Commission
‘Dire’ situation as Daft.ie report shows just 716 homes available to rent nationwide on August 1st
The average new national rent is now €1,460 per month
Tenants forced to ‘put up with’ damp, mould, rotting floors and broken heating, charities say
Increase to eviction notice periods to provide ‘welcome breathing space’
Almost two-thirds of respondents said they were renting because they could not afford to buy a home
Residential Tenancies Board told Oireachtas committee that it could be a ‘problem’
Family went into arrears on their utility bills to make sure they kept their tenancy
People ‘shouldn’t be allowed to get away with treating tenants like that,’ hearing told
Many third-level students from abroad are shocked by the high cost of living
Rent pressure-zone law has ‘failed’ and ‘we need to move’, says spokesman Eoin Ó Broin
One third of renters feel uninformed about rights as tenants, Threshold survey shows
Housing expectations are high due to receding pandemic and Housing for All plan
Minister for Housing welcomes appointment of former Coveney adviser during ‘critical time’
Three-fold increase in demand for properties, particularly for overseas tenants
Threshold received 70 reports of landlords refusing to accept HAP in first half of year
Triona Coates calls for Cavan County Council to inspect home with mould, mildew and damp
Reviews of Housing Assistance Payment accommodation down two-thirds on last year
Period Door Properties blames tenants taking unfair advantage of Covid measures
As buying a home becomes increasingly difficult, renters face challenges in retirement
Housing body says homes for €250,000 ‘workable’ to ease declining ownership rates
Rental sector accommodates one in five households, housing conference hears
More than half of respondents say they rent because they are unable to buy their own home
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Inquests into the nightclub fire that led to the deaths of 48 people
How does a post-Brexit world shape the identity and relationship of these islands
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