Stocktake: Just how expensive are US stocks?
Take low interest rates into account and the valuations start to look more reasonable
Take low interest rates into account and the valuations start to look more reasonable
After a successful period, the next decade may see US investors with subdued returns
They may offer a free lunch – so long as you are able to wait for the meal
Economist agrees US stocks’ high Cape ratio is justified with zero-interest rates
Investors are more worried about a market crash than at any time over the past 20 years
In his new book, Narrative Economics, Robert Shiller shows how stories have always driven economic events
Investors are always scared during bear markets but this is different
Personal classification of risk and danger are key determinants of market behaviours
Is Dominic Cummings the Rick Astley of politics?
History suggests no market fashion or trend persists indefinitely
Like a binge-worthy drama, Netflix shows stocks move because of fear and greed
A multitude of inbuilt unconscious biases undermine investors’ decision-making
Study looking back to 1800 confirms following the trend, seasonality and value investing beat the market
Stocktake: Investors shouldn’t confuse a slowdown with a recession, ‘that’s just wrong’
Cryptocurrency price collapse a painful lesson for new generation of investors
Weather and mood influence investors’ decision-making, new research indicates
Is it really that difficult to go against the herd? In a nutshell, yes
Proinsias O’Mahony: Seven nerve-calming steps to help you make sense of it all
Real question is not why the Dow has fallen, but why it was trading so absurdly high
The Cape ratio is twice as high as its average, but no one is panicking yet
This year's international economic renaissance shows how forecasts are more art than science
Warren Buffett, Howard Marks and Nobel economist Robert Shiller have warned the craze will end badly
Why European equities falling seven days in a row is not a cause for panic
30 years on from the infamous stock market fall, its memory still fascinates
The last time fund managers were nearly as concerned as now was in the late 1990s
Howard Marks predicted the dotcom and housing crashes, and now he’s worried trouble is brewing again
Stocktake: If calm indicates complacency, prices may be more vulnerable than presumed
Proinsias O’Mahony on the pitfalls to which the ordinary investor are all too prone
A Harvard study reveals clues to help investors avoid stock-market crashes
This rally is refusing to retreat, which must be torture for those on the sidelines
Simple but brutal truth is that nobody has any idea what stock markets will do
A cool look beyond the bluster at the Republican candidate’s financial prowess
Most booms don’t result in busts: a recent Yale study found only one in 10 goes bad
People’s political views shape their investment outlook, but personal bias can prove costly
A new Yale study shows that both institutions and individuals regularly overestimate the likelihood of market meltdowns
Research indicates there is value to be had in many international markets, but the same cannot be said of Ireland
Research shows informed people may think they may know more than they do
Tech industry’s venture capitalists trying to avoid using word that is occurring – bubble
Office of Financial Research says US markets overpriced and heading for trouble
Proinsias O’Mahony takes a look at the ups and downs of the stock market
Economic growth was invented during the industrial revolution
Syriza-led coalition not seeking extension to February 28th deadline with euro zone lenders
Momentum can drive markets, but a value-based approach also matters
Investors believe stocks are more expensive than any time since 2001
A visit to Dublin shows New York Times writer that property is again “hot”. But, he warns, investing in residential property is generally not a good idea
There are always reasons to be cautious, but most warnings are easily debunked
There are always reasons to be cautious, but most warnings are easily debunked
A new fund consists of the markets currently most loathed – including Ireland, Greece and Russia – but there’s no room for the US, the UK or Germany
If we want some misbehaving charities in particular, and public service in general, to change, it has to come from the bottom up. Time to change some “norms” of Irish behaviour.
But bulls are confident the Fed and global central bankers will ease off on liquidity rather than halt it
On closer inspection, some of the received wisdom on investment markets simply doesn’t stand up
There is plenty of advice out there on investing, but which approaches have actually been proven to work?
Crosswords & puzzles to keep you challenged and entertained
Inquests into the nightclub fire that led to the deaths of 48 people
How does a post-Brexit world shape the identity and relationship of these islands
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