Thousands of landlords face fines of up to €15,000 for illegally increasing rents in fresh crackdown
RTB data identifies 16,000 ‘tenancies of concern’ with rent rises above 2 per cent
RTB data identifies 16,000 ‘tenancies of concern’ with rent rises above 2 per cent
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Leonardo De Oliveira Lima highlighted issues with gates, CCTV, intercoms and heaters at his Swords apartment complex
Charity says landlords are taking advantage of the rent pressure zones system
In separate case, tenant told by RTB to pay arrears of €12k on property where electricity had been cut off due to non-payment of bill
Cameras at Co Cork property sent notifications to couple’s phones when tenants entered and exited
Natalie Gorghi rented property with her family for more than 11 years
Tenant ‘did not have enough money to eat at times’, both sides in dispute were ‘let down’ by Hap process, RTB tribunal hears
Tenant argued she had not breached the lease as she had prior consent to keep two labradors at the house
Exceptions to rent pressure zone rules can be valuable but do make sure you are staying precisely within the rules
Tenants were ordered to pay more than €4.3 million in rent arrears by RTB tribunals in the period from January to November of this year
Number of registered private tenancies increased by 8.4% to 236,198
Lack of supply continues to be the main issue in the market, while falling interest rates continue to have a positive effect
RTB had upheld as valid a notice of termination of tenancy served by Miracove on Maureen Kelly in June 2021, with a tenancy end date of January 2022
Focus Ireland’s latest Insights report documents how 50 families experienced homelessness
After noting that rental payments were ‘slow coming in’, the landlords discovered that the tenant’s payments were coming from a Revolut account under a different name
I rent out a property for €1,400 a month. The open-market rent would be about €2,300
Woman awarded damages by RTB tribunal says she was forced to vacate house that was ‘completely boarded up’ so she could get in and out only through front door
RTB orders landlord to pay damages to students who were ‘fobbed off’ when they tried to get money back
Landlords not required to press building management companies to perform contractual repair obligations, the judge said
Is it worth buying a home with granny-flat potential, how much does it cost to build and would you be eligible for tax-free income if you rent it out?
Notice of termination for antisocial behaviour was ‘a draconian measure’ and would render the tenant homeless, the tribunal said
In another case gardaí were called because landlord suspected house was being used as growhouse
RTB tribunal hears how relations deteriorated further after one tenant had his parents stay at apartment for two weeks
Residential Tenancies Board orders Christopher Bates to pay €12,609 in total within 28 days to man he admits was a good tenant
Tax cuts and once-off measures in recent budgets, and wage increases for some, have offset a portion of these costs
Agnieszka Labedzka cannot ‘unilaterally decide’ to reduce her rent on Co Kildare apartment, Residential Tenancies Board finds
Former office premises have been rented out as residential accommodation without changing use
Residential Tenancies Board orders repayment of €500 a month to landlord over 37 instalments
Residential Tenancies Board to investigate findings of study into rent pressure zones
Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) study finds the national standardised average rent paid by new tenants is now €1,612 per month and highest in Co Dublin at €2,128 per month
Suzanne Moran must pay €500 in damages for ‘stress and inconvenience’ caused to Cormac Figgis
Appointment comes as RTB grapples with technological shortfalls and delays resolving disputes
No issues were raised until after the tenancy ended three years later, despite multiple visits from the landlord, RTB hears
In a functional property market, you would expect different sets of data on rents to concur. Not here
Owners of building on Westmoreland Street say lease had expired but Godart says they needed a court order
Part of the challenge for people who have owned assets a long time is assessing any inflation-proofing to which they may be entitled
A recent Residential Tenancies Board tribunal ruling found that a tenant who rented a room in an apartment had no contractual relationship with the landlord
Plus: Intercom man’s vote of confidence in Trump; Shane ‘Mullet’ Byrne’s victory in dispute with tenants; and Adam Clayton’s application for gardener gaff
Residential Tenancies Board tribunal hears three tenants paid rent to ‘Mr X’ until they realised he was not the property owner, adding that he continued to seek rent from them afterwards
Second tribunal decides that tenant who rented a room in a Dublin apartment had no contractual relationship with corporate landlord who let the apartment
A tribunal held that a termination notice was issued out of frustration when the tenant challenge a rent review
Lead tenant paid rent to landlord but overcharged the others living in the four-bedroomed apartment, tribunal told
Into these information vacuums slip political extremists with their own agendas and solutions
RTB tribunal told woman wanted to sell house after her husband died but tenants did not leave, saying they didn’t want to be made homeless
Conall Mac Coille concerned about discrepancy between number of registered tenancies and figures on sector from 2022 census
Dublin’s north inner city is local electoral area with most private tenancies and most approved housing body tenancies, fresh data shows
New RTB figures show private rental sector is growing, not shrinking, with number of registered private landlords on the rise overall provides tenant reviews and RTB disputes, while Ambisense predicts the likelihood of mould outbreaks in homes
John O’Gara claims ownership of the Rathfarnham house by adverse possession
The apartments can be modern and low maintenance but you may have to pay extra for car parking and be tied into a certain utility provider
Judge Quirke ruled former tenants were entitled to legal costs of just over €3,900 plus VAT after their ‘unlawful eviction’ from a rented property in Dublin 1
While these rents ‘may not be required to register with the RTB’, a further 25,000 unregistered arrangements probably should, says CSO report
Deceased partner was sole name on lease
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