UK high street woes hit private landlords
Pandemic has pushed many tenants to the brink, leaving a swelling pile of rent arrears
Pandemic has pushed many tenants to the brink, leaving a swelling pile of rent arrears
Landlords demand lenders bear some of the burden
US listed book retailer will be taken private by hedge fund Elliott for €420m
Irish subsidiary recorded a 36 per cent increase in pre-tax profits to €3.39m last year
Cantillon: Bookseller plots expansion under new owners – and in Amazon’s shadow
Russian-owned chain recorded 29% profit increase in year to April 2017
Buyers are circling the bookseller, which could be worth £200m
Online retailers don’t pay commercial rates but VAT shares the burden across all retailers
Russian-owned bookseller has seen sales climb 7% in Irish stores in rising market
Crosswords & puzzles to keep you challenged and entertained
Inquests into the nightclub fire that led to the deaths of 48 people
How does a post-Brexit world shape the identity and relationship of these islands
Weddings, Births, Deaths and other family notices