Take Five for €70,000

Kireen Auctioneers is seeking €69,000 for this three-bedroom house on Gallagher Road, Tubbercurry, Co Sligo. We find similarly-priced properties around the world

Take Five for €300,000

Property Partners John Little is seeking €300,000 for this four-bed house outside Dunleer, Co Louth. We find similarly priced properties around the world

Take Five for €375,000

Sherry FitzGerald Lewis is seeking €375,000 for this two-bedroom bungalow on half an acre in Saggart village, Co Dublin. We find similar properties around the world

Take 5 for around €300,000

James G Coughlan & Associates is seeking €300,000 for this four-bed bungalow in Bishopstown, Cork. We seek similarly-priced properties in the US, Turkey, Spain and France

Take five for €450,000

Allman Reynolds is seeking €450,000 for a four-bedroom house on 3.75 acres in Co Galway. We find similarly-priced properties in Turkey, Portugal, the US and France

Take Five at around €360,000

Kehoe Auctioneers is seeking €359,000 for this five-bed in Carlow. We find similarly-priced homes in France, Spain, Florida and Turkey

Property: Take Five @ €400,000

Harrington Property is seeking €400,000 for this four-bed bungalow on an acre in Laragh, Co Wicklow. we find similar-priced homes in Spain, Turkey, the US and France

Take Five

For about €650,000

Take Five

For about €100,000

Take Five

For about €450,000


The Irish Times ePaper


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