Two giants of Irish history

Big Fellow, Long Fellow: A Joint Biography of Collins and de Valera by T. Ryle Dwyer Gill & Macmillan 371pp, £19.99

A lion come to rest

James Larkin: Lion of the Fold edited by Donal Nevin Gill & Macmillan, in association with RTE and SIPTU 557pp, £9.99

In a state of Polemocracy

A History of Northern Ireland by Thomas Hennessy Gill & Macmillan 347pp, £40/ £12.99

The illumination of WBY

Biography/Seamus Deane: This is the second of Roy Foster's two-volume biography of Yeats

Savoury morsels of Irish history

HISTORY:  TOBY BARNARD reviews A History of Ireland in 250 episodes by Jonathan Bardon, Gill and Macmillan, 560pp, ¤29.99

Saint or sinner?

BIOGRAPHY: HARRY McGEE reviews Seán Lemass: Democratic Dictator By Bryce Evans The Collins Press, 328pp. €17.99

Dublin divided

HISTORY: DERMOT BOLGER reviews A City in Wartime: Dublin 1914-18 Pádraig Yeates Gill & Macmillan, 304pp. €24.99

Come out, ye Black and Tans

HISTORY: EUNAN O'HALPIN reviews The Black Tans: British Police and Auxiliaries in the Irish War of Independence, 1920-1921 By…

WB Yeats's most uncommon marriage

LETTERS: ADRIAN FRAZIER reviews WB Yeats and George Yeats: The Letters Edited by Ann Saddlemyer Oxford University Press, 578pp…

The Rising and the falling

FICTION: CARLO GÉBLER reviews After the Lockout By Darran McCann Fourth Estate, 241pp. £12.99


The Irish Times ePaper


Inquests into the nightclub fire that led to the deaths of 48 people

Common Ground

How does a post-Brexit world shape the identity and relationship of these islands