Best shops 2016: The Winners

This year’s judges had a tough job sifting through more than 30,000 entries. Readers were eager to show their appreciation for the independent shops making a difference up and down the country. Today we reveal the 10 winning shops

Irish shops get a stamp of approval

The Best Shops judges are on the road, choosing winners from a shortlist of 100 shops; An Post launches a new series of stamps celebrating Irish shopfronts

Are you being served?

Service is key to a good shopping experience, and is a big factor for the judges of Best Shops 2016

Where is the best salon in Ireland?

Best Shops 2016: Nail bars, lash technicians, hairdressers, colourists, therapists, barbers ... and don’t forget the waxperts


The Irish Times ePaper


Inquests into the nightclub fire that led to the deaths of 48 people

Common Ground

How does a post-Brexit world shape the identity and relationship of these islands