Guns for teachers, postgrad options, confronting grief and Irish fashion

News, views and opinions from Student Hub contributors and Irish Times writers

Students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School attend a memorial following a school shooting incident in Parkland, Florida. Photograph: Thom Baur/Reuters

US president Donald Trump's suggestion that arming teachers is a solution to gun violence in American schools added to the sense of outrage that followed last months' mass shooting in Florida. President Trump took to Twitter to suggest that a new avenue on the road towards safer schools may be to arm the teachers themselves. Military-grade security outside US schools seems like shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted, writes Mark Donlon.

Postgraduates were once considered the preserve of a distant élite. Today, the numbers opting for fourth-level are rising steadily, and a postgraduate qualification can give an edge to job applicants, particularly in roles requiring specialisation. Peter McGuire asks what options are available for those who wish to further their careers, change direction, or pursue a passion for a particular subject.

One student who opted to follow his passion was Eoin Keane. It turns out that the percentage of students who find employment was higher for those who studied the H Dip in Education, through Irish than it was for those who studied the Dip through English. Eoin studied the Dioplóma Gairmiúil san Oideachas (the H Dip in Education, through Irish) in NUIG and Áine McMahon spoke to Eoin about his time in Galway.

How do you cope when your parent is living with an illness that is not yet terminal but cannot be cured? Such illnesses can often present a challenge not just to the patient but to his or her family. Rachel O'Neill, whose mother was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer, describes her experience.


Young Irish fashion designers have long been faced with the prospect of having to emigrate to London, Paris, New York or Milan in order to kick-start their careers. The potential of Ireland's fashion industry is not being capitalised upon, according to one of Ireland's foremost fashion consultants. Colin Gannon spoke with Eddie Shanahan, chairperson of the Council of Irish Fashion Designers to get his views an industry which, in Ireland, is worth some €3 billion.

An electronic two-piece band from Dublin called Ships have won the Choice Music Prize for best Irish album of the year. The win for their record Precession, was announced in Vicar Street, Dublin, where 10 shortlisted artists performed. Ed Power reports.

For those hoping to avoid the weekend rain Donald Clarke and Tara Brady have selected six of the best films to see at the cinema this weekend. This week brings us a riveting revenger, a forbidding Outback western, and Nicolas Cage at his unhinged loopiest

Éanna Ó Caollaí

Éanna Ó Caollaí

Iriseoir agus Eagarthóir Gaeilge An Irish Times. Éanna Ó Caollaí is The Irish Times' Irish Language Editor, editor of The Irish Times Student Hub, and Education Supplements editor.