‘Beer pressure’ - You don’t always have to say yes!

Ashley Callery on how to deal with the pressure to socialise

Photograph: iStockphoto/Getty Images

I’m going to begin this piece with a regular dialogue of how I am enticed to go on most college nights out.

Friend: Want to go out tonight?

Me: Nah, I've got too much too many assignments and too much to study. Sorry!

Friend: It will be fun, though.


Me: Okay, fine I'll go.

I think 99.9 per cent of students will relate to this. However, this piece is going to help you turn down the sesh. *Can hear people calling me dry from all over the country.*

1.Try going sober to a party for once

The nights I have not drunk alcohol have been the most memorable and fun times. I think your inner crazy actually comes out more. I remember I used to bring Schloer to parties and people would ask me if I was drinking wine. It just shows you don’t need a drink to have a good night. You can get this in like Tesco for like €2 - it’s amazing.

2. Don’t check your Snapchat

There have been many times when I’ve just wanted to watch Downton Abbey with a cup of tea. Yes, deep down I don't always want to be a sesh moth. Sometimes it's nice to just stay in bed and watch some Netflix or read a good book. (I'm secretly a 40-year-old woman sometimes.) So, don't check your stories you'll just have fear of missing out when you could be nice and cozy in bed!

3. Balance Let's be honest here, most of the best highlights of college are the nights out.

I definitely won’t reminisce on the day I spent in the library on my laptop sliding through my notes with a cup of Starbucks (living that basic white girl life) on my desk sliding through powerpoints and reading through books.

But, at the end of the day, you do have a degree to get so just belt down, try to study and then enjoy a night out with friends. It’s all about balance! I hope this helps! - Ashley.