All in the Game: Dulux fail to gloss over unfortunate Spurs tweets

Quote of the week, by the numbers, word of mouth and an angry Cagliari president

José Mourinho probably didn’t appreciate the sentiment of Spurs’ new sponsors. Photo: Getty Images

Apology of the week

The one from Dulux, of course, after the person running their Twitter account proceeded to take the mickey out of Spurs following the announcement that the company had become their, eh, official paint partner.

So, there were giggles about empty trophy cabinets and the Dulux dog being a better option for Spurs’ rearguard than any of the defenders on their books. At this point, we’re guessing, an irate phone call was received from Spurs’ commercial department.

“We’re deeply sorry for the posts from Dulux this morning in response to the announcement of our relationship with Tottenham Hotspur,” said the company’s statement. “These do not reflect how proud we are to be the Official Paint Supplier of the Club. We’re investigating what happened and apologise to all Spurs fans.”

To which Sky’s Michael Bridge replied: “Look, this season has been an emulsional roller-coaster. A new paint sponsor can’t gloss over the fact that it’s been disappointing so far, but still plenty to play for so earlier tweets will be brushed aside.”


A Justin Wells replied: “Glad to see some are taking it in the white spirit.”

That’s enough lads, move on.

Quote of the week

“Stephen is out of his depth. He was out of his depth at Bohs as well.” - Roddy Collins stopping just short of giving Stephen Kenny his unbridled support.

By the numbers

30: That’s how many goals Lionel Messi has scored so far this season, his double against Athletic Bilbao in Saturday’s Copa del Rey final bringing him to the mark for the 13th successive year. Thirteenth!

Word of mouth

“Ronaldo has never been a leader and he never will be. He is like a company and his turnover is more important to him than the success of the team.” - Juventus old boy Massimo Mauro being rather rude about Cristiano.

“He’s super-fast, but it’s just putting your head down and running around. He is truly a blind horse.” - Ajax/Real Madrid/Spurs/etc old boy Rafael van der Vaart being rather rude about Timo Werner.

“I know I’m not the most pleasing on the eye ..... the manager was the same as a player. I’ve heard him describe himself as having a first division brain but third division feet and I think that’s where he draws the similarities.” - Liverpool’s Nat Phillips sounding quite chilled about Jurgen Klopp telling him he has third division feet.

“I say this with a heavy heart: they play bad football. Park the bus and you do not pass. This kind of football gives me the shivers, it’s horrifying. If I had a coach like this, I’d go to the President and beg him to fire the boss.” - Inter Milan might be on the verge of their first Serie A title since 2010, but Antonio Cassano is so bored he would quite like their gaffer Antonio Conte to be sacked.

“I believe very much in positive vibes and positive energy. So, before I take a free-kick, I kiss the ball to pass on that positive energy. I speak to the ball as well. I ask it to go in the right place, like the top corner.” - Manchester United’s Alex Telles. How successful is his routine? Converted free-kicks so far: None.

“Everything I say only refers to me. Obviously, I prefer to be in the sun .... if I was only thinking of myself, I would say Real Madrid. Hala Madrid!” - Melanie Martial, wife of Anthony, issues a come-and-get-him plea to Madrid.

Angriest Club President

We’ll go with Cagliari’s Tommaso Giulini who was a bit on the incandescent side last week when he talked about the club finding themselves in a relegation battle.

“I wouldn’t say I am disappointed with this season, I’d say I am furious. I genuinely struggle to express how angry I am. We’re left with desperation, fury and hunger,” he said. “I hate walking around the streets of Cagliari feeling ashamed of this team. I even felt betrayed by the team lately. I am not saying that anyone betrayed us or was already thinking about their next club, but I felt at times betrayed by the group.”

Was his mood improved by Cagliari’s relegation six-pointer against Parma on Saturday? Possibly not when they went 2-0 down, and then trailed 3-2 in the 90th minute. But? They scored twice in injury time to win 4-3. Never mind walking, he’d have been dancing in the streets of Cagliari.