Tiernan-Locke to face disciplinary action after analysis of biological passport

Team Sky rider denies any wrongdoing and will contest charges

The UCI has ruled that the adverse biological passport findings on Jonathan Tiernan-Locke have demonstrated an anti-doping rule violation and have requested British Cycling to initiate disciplinary proceedings. Photograph: Bryn Lennon/Getty Images

British cyclist Jonathan Tiernan-Locke is to face disciplinary proceedings after the analysis of his biological passport by the UCI’s experts panel demonstrated an anti-doping rule violation, the UCI confirmed in a statement.

The 28-year-old from Plymouth has vowed to contest the charges and denies all wrongdoing.

A statement released by Tiernan-Locke’s management company read: “Jonathan Tiernan-Locke was notified that the UCI wish to instruct British Cycling to instigate proceedings against him regarding an abnormality in his biological passport.

“Mr Tiernan-Locke vehemently denies the charges brought against him and has informed the UCI that he fully intends to contest them.


“Mr Tiernan-Locke will not ride for Team Sky, attend training camps or undertake any team duties until a decision is made in these proceedings.

“Mr Tiernan-Locke is looking forward to a speedy and just resolution of these unfortunate charges. Until a decision has been reached, Mr Tiernan-Locke will make no further comment on the matter.”

Tiernan-Locke withdrew from the Britain team for the Road World Championships road race at the end of September, citing poor form.

But on the day of the event it was revealed he had withdrawn from competition over “possible discrepancies” in his biological passport.

Team Sky, which has a zero-tolerance policy to doping, on Tuesday reiterated its stance from September, insisting the period in question occurred prior to his employment with them.

A statement on teamsky.com read: “We understand that the violation was highlighted by an anomaly in his Biological Passport, in a reading taken before he signed for this team.

“There are no doubts about his approach or performance in Team Sky. This is a team that trains, races and wins clean.

“Jonathan Tiernan-Locke will not ride for Team Sky or take part in any team activities – including training camps and all team duties – until a decision is made in this disciplinary hearing process.

“At this stage, we will add no further detail until this initial disciplinary process is concluded.”

British Cycling confirmed it has been asked to begin proceedings

A British Cycling spokesman said: “Following today’s announcement by the UCI, British Cycling can confirm that it has been asked by the UCI to begin proceedings against Jonathan Tiernan-Locke based on an analysis of his biological passport.

“As with any other doping violation charge, those proceedings will be managed independently of British Cycling by UK Anti-Doping.

“It would be inappropriate to comment further until the process has been completed.”

UK Anti-Doping director of legal Graham Arthur said in a statement: "We are progressing a case relating to a possible anti-doping rule violation.

“The matter is subject to confidentiality restrictions imposed by the anti-doping rules, and as such we are unable to comment further. This protects the rights of all involved.

“All violations of the World Anti-Doping Code are published on our website if confirmed, when sanctions have been agreed and all appeal windows are over.”