Anglers dug deep at last weekend’s charity fly fishing competition on Lough Lein in Killarney to raise a staggering €25,300 towards the National Rehabilitation Hospital (NRH) in Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin.
Now in its 32nd year, the competition was again successfully hosted by Lough Lein Anglers’ Association. To date, the club has raised in excess of €229,000 for various charities.
This year, the 80 competitors were asked to make a special effort and they certainly rose to the occasion with flying colours. The selling of raffle tickets for a first prize of €500, sponsored by milk distributors Lee Strand, certainly played a big part in the total figure.
The NRH is presently constructing phase one of a new development with 120 bedrooms to include en-suite facilities, social and recreational areas, therapy spaces, hydro pool and paediatric unit. The charity contribution will help equip 26 of the bedrooms with this assistive technology.
Edel Lambe, NRH’s fundraising manager, said: “I am truly grateful for this huge contribution which will have a real impact for our people on their journey. It will enable them to perform tasks they were otherwise unable to accomplish by changing methods of interacting with them.”
Special mention must go to Timothy (Timo) O’Sullivan (who spent six months in the NRH following an accident in 1984) and his team for the Trojan work in collecting this amount of money from just one event.
Breda Dyland from the Kerry Cancer Support Group, which operates the Kerry-Cork Health Link Bus, a free daily return bus service to hospitals in Cork for cancer patients, also received a donation of €€1,000 from the event. .
The competition itself was a great success. The canal area adjacent to Ross Castle was a hive of activity as anglers gathered full of anticipation for what lay ahead. Conditions were ideal and the wily wild brown trout obliged for most anglers.
Huge stock
Lough Lein holds a huge stock of trout and although most are quite small there is no time to take your eye off the ball. A team of Blae and Black, Jungle Cock and Bibio flies are always worth a try. The minimum size limit is 11in. and there is no bag limit on the lake.
Hugh Healy from Mallow found the net with six fish to take the honours and the Hegarty Perpetual Cup.
“While most anglers prefer the bigger lake I always head for the smaller east lake. An Alexandra on the tail and Jungle Bunny were my two flies”, he said.
Spare a thought for 16-year-old Boris Uzik who lost out on winning with seven fish because of weight difference. Originally from Slovakia and now living in Killarney for the past 12 years, he spends all his free time fishing.
My boating partner Phil Horan had a terrific day with five fish for third place overall. Unfortunately, I could only muster up two which placed me well down the pecking list. We were kept busy landing nearly 20 undersized fish!
The day was rounded off with a most enjoyable dinner in the Dromhall Hotel followed by a lengthy array of prizes. A big thank you was extended to all who helped raise this fantastic amount of money.
A further donation for the NRH project will be forthcoming from the Ring of Kerry Charity Cycle Race on the 6th July.
Results: 1, H Healy, 6 fish, 1561g; 2, B Uzic (J), 7f, 1537g; 3, P Horan, 5f, 1306g; 4, M O'Driscoll, 5f, 1220g; 5, T Murphy, 4f, 1142g. Best boat: H Healy and D Daly. Best team: J O'Sullivan, H Healy, D Walsh, P Horan. Heaviest trout: T Murphy. Best lady angler: A McWilliams.

Logue lands 12lb springer
East Mayo Anglers Association (EMAA) lady angler Margaret Logue from Kildare landed a 12lb fresh run springer, her first fish of the season, on the Ballylahan Bridge to Cloongee stretch of the River Moy.
“Fishing is improving week on week, we had 20 springers recorded last week, 18 taken and two released. The best fish was 14lb,” said EMAA’s John O’Connor.
Mixed fortune on the Corrib
On Corrib, the lower lake continued to fish well on buzzers whereas success with olives and mayflies was confined to the upper lake, according to fisheries officer, Declan Gibbons.
Cornamona & District Anglers’ Association held its annual catch and release pairs’ competition in aid of the Galway Hospice last Sunday at which 60 anglers recorded 145 fish.
Winners on the day were Mike Coyne and TJ Carroll with 13 fish on wet flies. A tie for the longest fish of 51cm was shared between Mike Coyne and Cormac Dunleavy.
Basil Shields of Ardnasillagh Lodge (091-552 550) had reasonably good fishing in the Oughterard area with weather conditions becoming more favourable as the week progressed. All fish recorded at the lodge were caught on olives and buzzer.
In the Cong area, Caolan McDonnell landed a superb trout of 9lbs on the dap.
Professor Whelan to present talk in Buncrana
Professor Ken Whelan from Atlantic Salmon Trust will deliver a talk on 'The Case of the Missing Salmon Project' and the 'Likely Suspects Framework' on Friday, 10th May in Buncrana Angling Club, Swan Park, Co Donegal, beginning at 7pm. All are welcome.
European Cup on Lough Mask
The European Cup trout fly fishing championships will be held on Lough Mask on Saturday, 18th May. The competition will be fished by invitation only and anglers are required to make their own boating arrangements.
For further details, contact Liam Conroy, 087-225 2078. and