Joint agents Grimes and DNG Royal County are guiding a price of €8.5 million for a 76.68-hectare (189.5-acre) land bank in Ballymadun, adjacent to Ashbourne Business Park in Meath.
The property, which falls within the jurisdiction of Fingal County Council, comprises a mix of 73.06 hectares (180.556 acres) of rural-use lands and 3.62 hectares (8.94 acres) of rural-village lands under the Fingal Development Plan 2023-2029.
The objective of the rural-use zoning is to “protect and promote in a balanced way the development of agriculture and rural-related enterprise, biodiversity, the rural landscape, and the built and cultural heritage”.
The rural-village zoning aims to “provide for small-scale infill development serving local needs while maintaining the rural nature of the cluster”.
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The holding, which is along the Meath-Dublin border between Ballymadun village and Ashbourne town, is expected by the selling agents to be of interest to both farmers and investors.
The agricultural lands produce high-yield crops and are serviced by a stream and pump-water supply. The property, which has four access points and a farm roadway, includes farm sheds, a silage pit, a hardcore yard and an electrical supply. Historically, the land has supported crops including wheat, barley, potatoes and vegetables. Currently, it’s being returned to tillage.
The lands are regular in shape and generally level in topography with boundaries well defined by hedgerows. The holding has a substantial network of road and hardcore laneways, and is just 350m from the M2 motorway. The property is 10km from the M50, 12km from Dublin Airport and 14km from Dublin Port Tunnel.
Further information on the sale is available from Paul Grimes and Siobhán O’Sullivan at Grimes or Jim O’Reilly at DNG Royal County.