Terms & Conditions

1. Introduction

This page states the terms and conditions that govern your access to, and use of the irishtimes.com website and other digital products and services offered by The Irish Times DAC (hereafter referred to as “The Irish Times”, “us” or “we”) such other products and services including but not being limited to mobile applications and RSS feeds.

In these terms and conditions, “The Irish Times Site” or “the Site” refers collectively to all digital products and services offered by The Irish Times, including any mobile applications regardless of how you choose to access them.

In accessing the Site, you (hereafter referred to as “you” or “the User”) agree to abide by the Terms of Service (hereafter referred to as “TOS”) set out on this page.

Use of particular services offered by The Irish Times Site may be subject to additional terms and conditions, which are outlined at the end of the TOS. These services (“the Services”) can be divided into Paid Subscription Services (as identified below and defined in Clause 26) and other services for which you may be required to register. The current list of the Services is as follows:

Paid Subscription Services

  • Digital Subscription (Premium and Standard Digital)
  • In App Digital Subscription (Premium and Standard Digital)
  • Kindle edition
  • SMS news services
  • Newspaper Delivery Service
  • Top 1000

Other Services (registration may be required):

  • News Digest/Email Newsletters
  • News Alert
  • The Irish Times Shop
  • The Irish Times User Comment Community
  • Fantasy Leagues/Games
  • Family Notices
  • Reader Offers

Mobile Applications and Mobile Push Services

Please note that only subscription to the Paid Subscription Services entitles you to access those services. Registration for any of the other services does not entitle you to access the Paid Subscription Services. You may be required to register separately for some of the services, even if you have already registered for others.

If you are using the services in the course of your business, trade or profession (“the Commercial User”), you are subject to the additional terms and conditions provided in Clause 27.

2. Acknowledgement and Acceptance of Terms of Service

The Irish Times provides both free and subscription products and services via irishtimes.com and through its mobile applications. In accessing the Site and the mobile applications, you acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions of the TOS and any operating rules or policies that may be published from time to time by The Irish Times. The TOS, together with any copyright notice published by The Irish Times on the Site, comprise the entire agreement between the User and The Irish Times and supersede all prior agreements between the parties. You may also be subject to additional terms and conditions by agreement with The Irish Times or when you use affiliate or third party services.

3. Access to the Site

To access the Site, the User must do the following:

(i) Provide all equipment necessary to establish a connection to the Site;

(ii) Provide for the User’s own access to the Site and pay any connection and service fees associated with such access;

(iii) Pay the Services fees where applicable as determined by The Irish Times.

4. Modifications of Terms of Service

The Irish Times reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of the TOS at any time, at its sole discretion and without notice to you. It is the responsibility of the User to regularly review the TOS for modifications. By continuing to use the Site, the User agrees to be bound by the amended TOS.

5. Personal Information

Some Services may require the User to supply certain personal information. In consideration for the use of the Services, the User agrees to do the following:

(i) Provide true, current, complete and accurate information about the User as prompted to do so by the Services;

(ii) Maintain and promptly update this information as required to keep it true, current, complete and accurate.

If the User provides any information that is untrue, not current, incomplete or inaccurate, or if we have reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is untrue, not current, incomplete or inaccurate, we have the right to suspend or terminate the User’s use of the Services. All information requested on original sign up and/or subscription shall hereafter be referred to as “Registration Information”. This Registration Information will be retained by The Irish Times, and any of our co-branding partners if applicable, for no longer than is necessary to provide the Services to the User and for any other purpose to which you have consented.

Unless the User has agreed to the use of the Registration Information for direct marketing purposes by The Irish Times, our co-branding partners or selected third parties, we agree to use the Registration Information only for the purpose of supplying the Services to the User and any other purpose to which you have consented. Users can unsubscribe from any of our email communications at any time by clicking on the ‘Unsubscribe’ link that appears in the footer of all our email communications. The Irish Times does not make any representation or warranty with respect to the content of any direct marketing messages or any goods or services that may be obtained from such third parties, and the User agrees that The Irish Times shall not have any liability with respect thereof.

We reserve the right to disclose the Registration Information if required to do so by law, or if we believe in good faith that any such disclosure is reasonably necessary for the administration of justice; to enforce the TOS; to respond to any complaint received regarding the rights of third parties; or to protect the rights, property, or personal safety of The Irish Times, Site users and the public.

6. User Account, Password and Security

The User is entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the User’s passwords and accounts, and for any and all activities that occur under the User’s accounts or passwords. The User agrees to immediately notify The Irish Times of any unauthorised use of the User’s accounts or passwords, or any other breaches of security known to the User. We will not be liable for any loss that the User may incur as a result of someone else using or accessing the User’s passwords or accounts, either with or without the User’s knowledge. However, the User may be held liable for losses incurred by The Irish Times or any other party as a result of someone else using or accessing the User’s passwords or accounts. The User will not use anyone else’s accounts at any time without the permission of the account holder. The User may change his/her passwords or profile by following the instructions on the Site.

7. Privacy Policy

The User may view the privacy policy at the bottom of this page, or by visiting http://www.irishtimes.com/policy-and-terms/privacy-policy.

8. Information Required by Law

The Irish Times is required by law to provide the User with the following information:

(i) irishtimes.com is a website address of The Irish Times DAC. The Irish Times can be contacted through this website or at The Irish Times DAC, The Irish Times Building, PO Box 74, 24-28 Tara Street, Dublin 2, D02 CX89 or by email at digitalsubscriptions@irishtimes.com.

(ii) The VAT number of The Irish Times DAC is IE8L40281T.

(iii) Written confirmation of subscription to any of the Paid Subscription Services shall be provided to the User via the email address supplied during subscription. The User has the right to cancel this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The cancellation period will expire 14 days from the day of the conclusion of the contract. To exercise the right to cancel, you must inform us of your decision to cancel this contract by an unequivocal statement (e.g. a letter sent by post, fax or email). You may use the attached cancellation form but this is not obligatory. To meet the cancellation deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right to cancel before the cancellation period has expired. If you cancel this contract we will reimburse you all payments received from you without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which we are informed about your decision to cancel this contract. We will carry out such reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of such a reimbursement.

9. Notice

All notices issued by or on behalf of The Irish Times shall be in writing and shall be made via online announcements, email or conventional mail.

10. Proprietary Rights to Content

(a) Content other than User Content

The User acknowledges that content, including but not limited to text, software, music, sound, photographs, video, graphics or other material (the “Content”) – contained in either sponsor advertisements or Internet-distributed, commercially produced information presented to the User by the Site, the Site’s advertisers or other Site Users – may be protected by copyrights, trademarks, patents or other proprietary rights and laws. Unless otherwise expressly authorised in writing by The Irish Times, the User is only granted a limited personal licence for his/her own personal, non-commercial use of the Site and Services to download the Content to a single personal computer or to make a printout in respect of a single copy of the Content for personal reference. All copyright and other proprietary notices in the materials must be left intact. The User may not copy, reproduce, distribute or create derivative works from the Content without expressly being authorised to do so by the relevant copyright owner.

(b) Content submitted by the User

If the User submits content (hereafter referred to as “User Content”) to The Irish Times, the User agrees and warrants that he/she created the User Content, or has received permission from, or is duly authorised by, the owner of any part of the User Content to do so.

In the event that the User submits User Content to The Irish Times, either the User or the owner of the User Content remains the copyright owner. However, by submitting User Content to The Irish Times, the User grants us an unconditional, irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual worldwide, fully transferable licence to use, publish or transmit, or to authorise third parties to use, publish or transmit, the User Content in any format and on any platform, either currently known or hereafter invented.

11. User Conduct and User Content

(a) User Conduct

The User agrees to not use the Site to do the following:

(i) Upload, post or otherwise transmit any Material that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libellous, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;

(ii) Harm minors in any way;

(iii) Impersonate any person or entity, including but not limited to an irishtimes.com official, forum leader, guide or host, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent an affiliation with a person or entity;

(iv) Forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any Material transmitted through the Services, or develop restricted or password-only access pages, hidden pages or images (those not linked to from another accessible page);

(v) Upload, post or otherwise transmit any Material that the User does not have a right to transmit under any law or contractual or fiduciary relationship (such as inside information, proprietary and confidential information learned or disclosed as part of employment relationships or under non-disclosure agreements);

(vi) Upload, post or otherwise transmit any Material that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of any party;

(vii) Upload, post or otherwise transmit any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising, promotional materials, “junk mail”, “Spam”, “chain letters”, “pyramid schemes” or any other form of solicitation, except in those areas of the Services that are designated for such purpose;

(viii) Upload, post or otherwise transmit any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programmes designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment;

(ix) Disrupt the normal flow of dialogue, cause a screen to “scroll” faster than other users of the Services are able to type, or otherwise act in a manner that negatively affects other users’ ability to engage in real time exchanges;

(x) Interfere with or disrupt the Services or servers or networks connected to the Services, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of networks connected to the Services;

(xi) Intentionally or unintentionally violate any applicable local, state, national or international laws or regulations;

(xii) “Stalk” or otherwise harass another;

(xiii) Collect or store personal data about other users;

(xiv) Promote or provide instructional information about illegal activities, promote physical harm or injury against any group or individual, or promote any act of cruelty to animals. This may include, but is not limited to, providing instructions on how to assemble bombs, grenades and other weapons, and creating “Crush” sites;

(xv) Attempt to gain unauthorised access to any Irish Times site or service, other User accounts, computer systems or networks connected to any Irish Times site or service, through hacking, password mining or any other means;

(xvi) Create a false identity for the purpose of misleading others.

(xvii) Reproduce, scrape, automatically summarise or aggregate without a licence or prior written permission from The Irish Times DAC.

(b) User Content: The User may be permitted to submit User Content for publication in various areas of the Site. Interaction with the Site, including submission of any User Content, is governed by the Community Standards. The Community Standards are deemed to be incorporated into these Terms and Conditions, and the User is deemed to consent to the Community Standards and these Terms and Conditions if the User chooses to submit any User Content or comments to the Site.

The User understands that all User Content submitted by any other user is the sole responsibility of the user from which it originated. The Irish Times has no liability in respect of any User or User Content submitted by other users and published by us or by authorised third parties.

The User accepts and agrees that if the User posts User Content on the Site or views User Content posted by others, he/she is doing so at his/her own discretion and risk. The User accepts and agrees that The Irish Times has no responsibility for the accuracy, integrity or quality of any such User Content or Content submitted by other users. The User further accepts and agrees that the views expressed by any User Content do not necessarily reflect the views of The Irish Times. The User accepts and agrees that The Irish Times has no obligation to pre-moderate, review or monitor any Content posted by the User or any other users on the Site.

The Irish Times reserves the right to refuse to publish, to edit or to remove any User Content at our sole discretion. We may remove any User Content at any time.

12. Indemnification

The User agrees to indemnify, defend (at the request of The Irish Times), and hold the Site, its parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers and employees, harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable legal expenses, made or brought by any third party due to or arising out of any of the following:

(i) The User’s use of the Site or any part thereof;

(ii) Violation of these TOS or any provision therein by the User;

(iii) Publication of any User Content;

(iv) Viewing any User Content by any third party;

(v) Infringement or misappropriation by the User, or a third party using the User’s computer, of any account or password to access and/or use the Services;

(vi) Any infringement by the User of any intellectual property rights of any person or entity

(vii) Use or misuse by the User or third parties of the User’s passwords or accounts.

13. Monitoring

The Irish Times has no obligation to monitor the Site, but reserves the right to do so and to remove any Content or Material at its sole discretion at any time without notice.

14. Complaints Procedure

If you wish to complain about any comment or post appearing on The Irish Times User Comment Community, please fill out a complaint form.

For any other complaint, such as a complaint of any abuse of the Site, including but not limited to the violation of these TOS or any provision therein, or the infringement or misappropriation by any User, or a third party using a User’s computer, of any account or password to access and/or use the Site, or of any intellectual property rights of any person or entity, or the use or misuse by any User or third parties of a User’s passwords or accounts, should be reported immediately to The Irish Times via services@irishtimes.com.

15. Modifications and Discontinuance of the Services

The Irish Times reserves the right at its sole discretion to modify or discontinue the Site or Services, or any portion thereof, at any time, with or without notice to the User. We shall not be liable to the User or any third party should we exercise our right to modify or discontinue the Site or Services. No refunds will be granted to any Users who have paid Services fees in this instance.

16. Term and Termination

The Irish Times reserves the right to terminate all or part of the Site at any time without notice, and without issuing any refunds if the User is in breach of the TOS. We shall not be liable to the User or any third party for any loss or damage howsoever arising from the termination of the Site or any part thereof.

In respect of the Paid Subscription Services only, The Irish Times reserves the right to terminate User accounts following the expiry of the subscription period and to delete all information and files on these accounts if the User does not renew the subscription.

17. Third Parties

(a) Advertising

The Irish Times may serve advertisements to the Site or work with a third party to serve the advertisements. Advertisements placed on the Site may include but are not limited to banner ads, paid links, pop-up windows, buttons and sponsorships. The User agrees that we have the right to run such advertisements and promotions. The Irish Times does not control the content of any services supplied by third parties, and the inclusion of content does not imply endorsement of the third party by The Irish Times or any association with that third party. User correspondence or business dealing with, or participation in promotions of, advertisers or third parties found on or through the Site or Services, including payment for and delivery of related goods or services, and any other representations associated with such dealings, are solely between the User and such advertiser or third party. The User agrees that The Irish Times shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as the result of any such dealings or as the result of the presence of such advertisers or third parties on the Site or Services.

(b) Email Marketing

The Irish Times and/or third parties may, from time to time, send email messages to the User containing advertisements, special promotions and other marketing subject to the User’s permission. The User must consent to receiving our email messages during the sign in or subscription process or through a link on the Site if they wish to receive any email services, newsletters, special promotions or other marketing materials (“Email Programmes”). We reserve the right to partner with any email marketers to provide these Email Programmes. User correspondence or business dealing with advertisers or third parties found on or through the Email Programmes, including payment for and delivery of related goods or services, and any other representations associated with such dealings, are solely between the User and such advertiser or third party. The User agrees that The Irish Times shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as the result of any such dealings.

(c) Links

The Site may contain images of and links to third party websites (“Linked Sites”). Linked Sites are not under the control of The Irish Times and the User agrees that we are not responsible for the content of any Linked Sites. The inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement of the Linked Sites by The Irish Times or any association with its owners or operators. User correspondence or business dealing with advertisers or third parties found on or through Linked Sites, including payment for and delivery of related goods or services, and any other representations associated with such dealings, are solely between the User and such advertiser or third party. The User agrees that we shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as the result of any such dealings or as the result of the presence of such advertisers or third parties on the Site or Services.

18. Disclaimer of Warranties

(i) The Irish Times provides the Site and Services on an “as is” and “as available” basis, and the User uses the Site and Services at his/her sole risk.

(ii) The Irish Times shall not be responsible for the effect or result of the introduction or entry of any virus into the Site and/or one or any of the Services.

(iii) The Irish Times makes no warranty that the Site or Services will meet the User’s requirements; nor that the Site or Services will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or error free; nor do we make any warranty as to the results that may be obtained from the use of the Site or Services; nor as to the accuracy or reliability of any information obtained through the Site or Services; nor that defects in the Site or Services will be corrected.

(iv) The Irish Times expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind insofar as is permissible by law, whether express, implied or statutory, including but not limited to the implied warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.

(v) The User understands and agrees that any Content and/or Material downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the Site or Services is done at the User’s own discretion and risk. The Irish Times is not responsible for any damage to the User’s computer system or loss of data that results from the download of such Content and/or Material.

(vi) The Irish Times makes no warranty regarding any goods or services purchased or obtained through the Site or Services or any transactions entered into through the Site or Services.

(vii) The Irish Times accepts no responsibility for deletion, corruption or failure to store messages or content maintained or transmitted by the Site or Services.

(viii) No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by the User from the Site shall create any warranty not expressly made herein.

19. Limitation of Liability

The Irish Times shall not be liable for any loss of use, interruption of business, or any direct or indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any kind (including but not limited to lost profits) regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), strict product liability or otherwise, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages, howsoever arising, out of use of the Site or Services.

20. Law

The TOS shall for all purposes be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Ireland. The User and The Irish Times agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Ireland. The place of performance of this Agreement shall be Ireland.

21. Assignment

No right may be assigned and no duty may be delegated by the User under this Agreement except upon the written consent of The Irish Times. Any attempted assignment and delegation without such consent shall be void and without effect. The Irish Times shall be entitled to assign this agreement. This TOS shall be binding upon and shall endure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective representatives, heirs, administrators, successors and permitted assigns except as otherwise provided herein.

22. No Agency

Neither party is, nor will it be deemed to be, an agent or legal representative of the other party for any purpose. Neither party will be entitled to enter into any contracts in the name of or on behalf of the other party, and neither party will be entitled to pledge the credit of the other party in any way or hold itself out as having authority to do so.

23. Severability

If an arbitrator, court or other competent authority finds any provision of this agreement to be void or unenforceable, it shall be deemed to be deleted from this agreement and the remaining provisions shall continue to apply. The parties shall negotiate in good faith in order to agree on the terms of a mutually satisfactory provision to be substituted for the provision found to be void or unenforceable.

24. Waiver

Any waiver (express or implied) by either party of any breach of this TOS shall not constitute a waiver of any other or subsequent breach. No provision of the TOS will be waived by any act, omission or knowledge of a party or its agents or employees except by an instrument in writing expressly waiving such provision and signed by a duly authorised officer of the waiving party. In particular but without prejudice, failure by The Irish Times to exercise or enforce any right or provision of the TOS shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision unless acknowledged and agreed to by us in writing.

25. Titles

The section titles in the TOS are solely used for the convenience of the parties and have no legal or contractual significance.

26. The Services

(a) Paid Subscription Services

The Irish Times Crossword & Puzzles, part of The Irish Times Digital Subscription (Premium and Standard Digital), The Irish Times In App Digital Subscription (Premium and Standard Digital), Top 1000, Kindle edition and Archive are paid subscription-based services (the “Paid Subscription Services”). The User must register, set up an account and pay a subscription to gain access to these services. The subscription fee is determined by The Irish Times and can be subject to change at any time at our sole discretion. Subscription to any of the Paid Subscription Services is personal to the User and may not be transferred or assigned.

By subscribing for the Paid Subscription Services the User agrees to pay all fees and charges, including applicable taxes. In order to set up an account, the User must provide The Irish Times or in the case of The Irish Times In App Digital Subscription (Premium and Standard Digital) Apple or Google Play, who process the payment on behalf of The Irish Times, with valid credit card/debit card information or a valid PayPal account, and by providing such information, the User thereby authorises The Irish Times and where applicable Apple or Google Play to bill all fees, charges and applicable taxes through that account as and when they become due. Any queries regarding billing on a User account must be raised with The Irish Times within 30 days. All credit card/debit card & PayPal details are entered on a secured page and they are securely processed via Paypoint.net.

The User will be billed in Euro, Sterling or Dollars. Exchange settlements will be determined by agreements between the User and the credit card/debit card issuer or PayPal. If The Irish Times or where applicable Apple or Google Play does not receive payment from the credit card/debit card issuer or PayPal, the User agrees to pay all amounts due on the User’s account upon demand. If we do not receive prompt payment for all fees, charges and applicable taxes, the User will be in default and we reserve the right to suspend the User’s account and access to the Paid Subscription Services without notice.

Subject to any right of withdrawal under applicable law, fees, charges and applicable taxes are non-refundable.

The Irish Times Digital Subscription (Premium Digital and Standard Digital), The Irish Times In App Digital Subscription (Premium Digital and Standard Digital), Crossword & Puzzles and the Newspaper Delivery Service are subject to the additional terms and conditions as set out below.

(b) Digital Subscription (Premium and Standard Digital)

The Terms of Service together with the additional terms set out below (” the Terms”) apply to any contract between you and The Irish Times when you subscribe for the supply of the, Digital Subscription (Premium and Standard Digital) to you.

i. You may only subscribe for the supply of the Digital Subscription (Premium and Standard Digital) which includes Crosswords & Puzzles if you are 18 years old or over and are capable of entering into legal contracts.

ii. In order to subscribe for the supply of the, Digital Subscription (Premium and Standard Digital) including Crosswords & Puzzles you must register and set up an account on the Site and provide The Irish Times with a current valid payment method. The following payment methods are accepted: Visa, MasterCard, Debit Card, Amex Card and Laser & PayPal.

iii. The Irish Times Crosswords & Puzzles is part of and therefore included with the Digital Subscription (Premium and Standard Digital)

iv. This is a subscription service. You can subscribe for a monthly subscription (“Monthly Subscription”) which will continue month to month and The Irish Times will bill the monthly subscription fee to your payment method unless and until you cancel your subscription or it is terminated by The Irish Times.

v. You can also subscribe for an annual subscription (“Annual Subscription”) which will continue year to year and The Irish Times will bill your payment method unless and until you cancel your subscription or it is terminated by The Irish Times.

vi. All subscribers who were subscribed to Crossword & Puzzles and who have been migrated to the Digital Subscription (Premium and Standard Digital) will continue to pay their current price for 1 year after their renewal date. After that, they will move to the current Standard Digital pricing, which is currently from €12 per month at time of writing. Your payment method will be billed each month in the case of a Monthly Subscription on the calendar day corresponding to the commencement of your initial subscription for the supply of the Digital Subscription (Premium and Standard Digital). In the event that there is no exact corresponding calendar day in a particular month, The Irish Times will bill your Payment Method on the nearest possible corresponding calendar day.

vii. If your subscription payment is not successfully settled with the billing period set out a term (v) above or you breach any of the Terms The Irish Times reserves the right to terminate your subscription immediately.

viii. In the case of Monthly Subscriptions all payments are non-refundable. In the case of Annual Subscriptions, where you cancel your subscription prior to the expiry of the year, you will not be entitled to a refund.

ix. You can cancel your Monthly Subscription at any time. To cancel your Monthly Subscription you need to telephone +353 (1) 9203901 or send an email to cancelmysubscription@irishtimes.com at least ten business days in advance of your monthly billing date, which is calculated in accordance with term (v) above. You will continue to have access to the Digital Subscription (Premium and Standard Digital) until the end of the monthly billing period.

x. You can cancel your Annual Subscription at any time. To cancel your Annual Subscription you need to telephone +353 (1) 9203901 or send an email to cancelmysubscription@irishtimes.com at least ten business days in advance of your annual billing date, which is calculated in accordance with term (v). You will continue to have access to the Digital Subscription (Premium and Standard Digital) for any unused portion of the month, calculated as the monthly anniversary of the date of your initial subscription, in which you cancel.

xi. The Irish Times reserves the right to increase the subscription fees for the Digital Subscription (Premium and Standard Digital) at any time at its absolute discretion. Should The Irish Times change the subscription fees you will be notified by email and the increased subscription fees will apply to the next monthly or annual billing period as applicable, unless or until you terminate your subscription in accordance with (d) (viii) for monthly subscriptions or (ix) for annual subscriptions.

xii. Our digital subscription products are priced as follows from the 13th March 2024. The renewal price for existing subscribers will be increased from 15th April 2024.

PlanIreland & IntUKUSA
Standard Monthly€14£12$15
Premium Monthly€20£17$22
Standard Annual€135£115$145
Premium Annual€190£160$210

Please note that all pricing is subject to change in line with current offers and promotions.

xiii. The Irish Times reserves the right to decline to supply the Digital Subscription (Premium and Standard Digital), to any individual or company.

xiv. For the purpose of the Terms a business days means Monday to Friday 8.00 am to 8.00 pm and any day which is not a public or bank holiday in the Republic of Ireland.

(c) The Irish Times In App Digital Subscription (Premium and Standard) The Terms of Service together with the additional terms set out below (“the Terms”) apply to any contract between you and The Irish Times when you subscribe for the supply of The Irish Times In App Digital Subscription (Premium and Standard Digital) to you.

i. You may only subscribe for the supply of the In App Digital Subscription (Premium and Standard Digital) if you are 18 years old or over, are capable of entering into legal contracts and have downloaded the Irish Times breaking news app on an Android or iPhone .

ii. In order to subscribe for the supply of the In App Digital Subscription (Premium and Standard Digital) you must register and set up an account on the Application and provide Apple or Google Play with a current valid payment method (as determined by Apple or Google Play and set out in its terms and conditions), as payments are processed by Apple or Google Play on behalf of The Irish Times.

iii. This is a subscription service. You must subscribe for a monthly subscription (“Monthly Subscription”) which will continue month to month and Apple or Google Play will, on behalf of The Irish Times, bill the monthly subscription fee to your payment method unless and until you cancel your subscription or it is terminated.

iv. Your payment method will be billed in accordance with Apple or Google Play’s terms and conditions.

v. If your subscription payment is not successfully settled with the billing period set out in Apple or Google Play’s terms and conditions or you breach any of the Terms The Irish Times reserves the right to cease to supply to service to you.

vi. All refunds are paid in accordance with Apple or Google Play’s terms and conditions.

vii. You can cancel your Monthly Subscription at any time. To cancel your Monthly Subscription you need to do so via your Itunes accounts and in the manner described in Apple or Google Play’s terms and conditions or turn off the auto renew setting on the Application. Your access to the In App Digital Subscription (Premium and Standard Digital) will be in accordance with Apple or Google Play’s terms and conditions.

viii. The Irish Times reserves the right to increase the subscription fees for the In App Digital Subscription (Premium and Standard Digital) at any time at its absolute discretion. Should The Irish Times change the subscription fees you will be notified by email and the increased subscription fees will apply to the next monthly billing period as applicable, unless or until you terminate your subscription in accordance with (vi) above.

ix. The Irish Times reserves the right to decline to supply the In App Digital Subscription (Premium and Standard Digital).

x. Given those payments for the In App Digital Subscription (Premium and Standard Digital) will be processed by Apple or Google Play you will be required to comply with Apple or Google Play’s terms and conditions.

(d) Bullet Journal Promotion

The TOS together with the additional terms set out below apply to any contract between you and The Irish Times when you subscribe in conjunction with the Bullet Journal promotion.

i. The offer is available to new subscribers only; existing subscribers are not eligible to avail of the offer.

ii. In order to avail of this promotion you must be over eighteen years of age and a resident in the Republic of Ireland.

iii. This promotion is subject to a six month contract period. You may cancel your subscription at any time during your first month of service. Your Bullet Journal will be delivered following commencement of second month’s service, after which time you agree to enter into a six month contract period. Cancellation will not be permitted during this time.

iv. The Irish Times will only accept return of a Bullet Journal in the event of a faulty product, as required by law; returns for any other reason will not be accepted. Requests for returns should be made by email to digitalsubscriptions@irishtimes.com, upon receipt of which The Irish Times Customer Care Team or their collection agents will be in contact to arrange return and replacement.

v. By subscribing to this promotion you agree to the terms of The Irish Times privacy policy with regard to the transfer of personal data to third party service partners for delivery of your Bullet Journal.

(e) Sennheiser HD 450BT Headphones Promotion

The TOS together with the additional terms set out below apply to any contract between you and The Irish Times when you subscribe in conjunction with the Sennheiser HD 450BT Headphones promotion.

i. The offer is available to new subscribers only; existing subscribers are not eligible to receive Sennheiser HD 450BT Headphones.

ii. To avail of this promotion, you must be over eighteen years of age and a resident in the Republic of Ireland.

iii. This promotion is subject to a one-year contract period. Your Headphones will be delivered following the purchase receipt within 3 weeks. Cancellation will not be permitted during this time.

iv. The Irish Times will only accept the return of a pair of headphones in the event of a faulty product, as required by law; returns for any other reason will not be accepted. Requests for returns should be made by email to digitalsubscriptions@irishtimes.com, upon receipt of which The Irish Times Customer Care Team or their collection agents will be in contact to arrange return and replacement.

v. By subscribing to this promotion you agree to the terms of The Irish Times privacy policy with regard to the transfer of personal data to third-party service partners for delivery of your headphones.

vi. You may not cancel your subscriptions this is an annual contract. There will be no partial refund if the subscriber cancels the annual subscription early.

(f) Ring Video Doorbell (2nd Gen) - Satin Nickel - Slim package promotion

The TOS together with the additional terms set out below apply to any contract between you and The Irish Times when you subscribe in conjunction with the Ring video doorbell promotion.

i. The Ring Video Doorbell (2nd Gen) - Satin Nickel - Slim package promotion is available to new subscribers of Premium Digital, weekend or complete bundles only; existing subscribers are not eligible to avail of the offer.

ii. In order to avail of this promotion you must be over eighteen years of age and a resident in the Republic of Ireland.

iii. This promotion is subject to a six-month contract period for monthly paying subscribers. You may cancel your subscription at any time during your first month of service. Your doorbell will be delivered following commencement of second month’s service, after which you agree to enter a six-month contract period. Cancellation will not be permitted during this time. Annual Premium digital subscribers will become eligible for the Ring video doorbell instantly and will receive their doorbell within a month of subscribing.

iv. The Irish Times will only accept return of a Ring video doorbell (2nd Gen) - Satin Nickel - Slim in the event of a faulty product, as required by law; returns for any other reason will not be accepted. Requests for returns should be made by email to digitalsubscriptions@irishtimes.com, upon receipt of which The Irish Times Customer Care Team or their collection agents will be in contact to arrange return and replacement.

v. By subscribing to this promotion you agree to the terms of The Irish Times privacy policy with regard to the transfer of personal data to third party service partners for delivery of your doorbell.

vi. Your Ring video doorbell does not include a Ring Protect subscription. “When you register your Ring Doorbell you will automatically start a 30-day Ring Protect Trial for free.” You can use your Ring video doorbell without a Ring Protect subscription to watch over your home from anywhere. Without Ring Protect, you’ll still receive real-time notifications when anyone comes to your door, and you can answer the notification to see, hear and speak to visitors in real-time right from your mobile device, from anywhere. Without a subscription to Ring Protect, you won’t be able to review any videos that you missed in real-time, and you won’t be able to save your videos or share them via the Ring app.

vii. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion. This promotion is available only while stocks last.

Device Support

Product information can be found here https://eu.ring.com/products/video-doorbell-gen-2

Product support can be found here: https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us

(g) Chilly’s Water Bottle Series 2 promotion

i. The promotion is made available to subscribers in the Republic of Ireland only.

ii. Promotion will be live on the storefront; all new subscribers to Premium Digital monthly, Premium Annual, Weekend or Complete will be considered to have entered the promotion.

iii. The promotion is subject to a contract period of six months for pay monthly subscribers, enforceable upon the first subscription renewal payment. This doesn’t apply to annual subscribers. Cancellation will be permitted until this point (ie during the first month of subscription).

iv. Upon subsequent entry into this contract period, Chilly’s water bottle, series 2, 500 ml, will be delivered to subscribers. Returns will not be permitted, except in the case of faulty devices.

v. This promotion is offered to new monthly and annual subscribers only; existing subscribers will not be eligible to receive Chilly’s water bottle, series 2, 500 ml.

(h) Loyalty Offer

The TOS together with the additional terms set out below apply to any contract between you and The Irish Times when you subscribe in conjunction with the Loyalty Offer.

In order to avail of this offer, you must be over eighteen years of age and a resident in the Republic of Ireland.

i. Your gift will be delivered following the submission of your address form which you will receive from The Irish Times via email.

ii. The Irish Times will only accept return of a Cross Tech 3+ , a Bullet Journal, a Tote bag or a 3 Pack Sprout Pencils, in the event of a faulty product, as required by law; returns for any other reason will not be accepted. Requests for returns should be made by email to digitalsubscriptions@irishtimes.com, upon receipt of which The Irish Times Customer Care Team or their collection agents will be in contact to arrange return and replacement.

iii. By availing of this offer you agree to the terms of The Irish Times Privacy Policy with regard to the transfer of personal data to third party service partners for delivery of your product

(i) International Sale

The terms and conditions under this heading relate to the 3 months half-price Irish Times Standard & Premium Digital Subscription.

i. The Promotion is only available to new and returning Irish Times customers. The offer is not available to existing customers.

ii. The Promotion entitles you to 3 month subscription to Irish Times Standard or Premium Digital Subscription at half price.

  • For standard the price is €6 per month instead of €12 for International Customers, $6 per month instead of $12 for US customers & £5 per month instead of £10 for UK customers.
  • For premium the price is €8 per month instead of €16 for International Customers, $9 per month instead of $18 for US customers & £6 per month instead of £12 for UK customers.

iii. All instructions and descriptions included in the Promotion Message form part of these terms and conditions.

iv. The Irish Times’ own terms and conditions will apply to any purchase of an Irish Times’ subscription made in conjunction with this offer.

v. Except as expressly provided in these terms and conditions, all conditions, terms, warranties and representations whether express or implied by law in relation to the provision of the Promotion are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.

(j) The New York Times annual offer

Premium Digital Annual Subscription with The New York Times The TOS together with the additional terms set out below (”the Terms”) apply to any contract between you and The Irish Times when you subscribe for the supply of the Premium Digital Annual Subscription with The New York Times to you.

i. You may only subscribe for the supply of the Premium Digital Annual Subscription with The New York Times if you are 18 years old or over and are capable of entering into legal contracts.

ii. You may only subscribe for the supply of the Premium Digital Annual Subscription with The New York Times if you do not reside in the US/have a Canadian IP address.

iii. The offer is available to new Irish Times subscribers only; existing Irish Times subscribers are not eligible to avail of the offer.

iv. The offer is not available to subscriber’s resident in the United States or Canada.

v. This promotion is subject to a twelve-month contract period.

vi. Your New York Times Basic Digital access code will be delivered by email within 24 hours following confirmation of payment, after which time you agree to enter into a twelve-month contract period. Cancellation will not be permitted during this time.

vii. Any difficulties in setup or operation of your New York Times subscription should be addressed to New York Times Customer Care. The Irish Times cannot offer technical support on your New York Times subscription.

viii. Use of The New York Times All Access Digital access subscription is subject to The New York Times terms of use.

ix. New York Times All Access Digital access code cannot be used in conjunction with an existing New York Times subscription.

x. New York Times All Access Digital access code must be redeemed by 01/09/2025.

xi. Users will have unlimited access to nytimes.com website and application as well as Cooking, Games, The Athletic and Wirecutter. Does not include e-reader editions.

xii. The code has no cash or other redemption value and must be redeemed by 01/09/2025. This subscription will expire at the end of the subscription duration unless the Client notifies NYT. Authorised Users will be granted access to nytimes.com by redeeming the access code provided to them and then creating an account via an email address and password tied to their code. Authorised Users will have access from any location during the Subscription Duration. No access is available via proxy servers.

xiii. Lost codes cannot be replaced. Your free trial is a no obligation offer. However, if you choose to subscribe during your free trial you will be required to provide payment details. Your paid subscription will then automatically begin immediately following the end of your free trial unless you cancel. Your payment method will automatically be charged in advance every 4 weeks (28 days) for weekly offers or every 30 days for monthly offers. You will be charged the introductory offer rate for the introductory period, and the standard rate thereafter, as indicated at the point of sale. All subscriptions renew automatically. You can cancel anytime. Does not apply to e-reader editions. Mobile apps are not supported on all devices. Other restrictions and taxes may apply. Offers and pricing are subject to change without notice.

(k) Student Digital Subscription

The TOS together with the additional terms set out below (“the Terms”) apply to any contract between you and The Irish Times when you subscribe for the Student Digital Subscription.

i. The offer is made available to third-level students of HEA-accredited third-level institutions in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland only.

ii. This is a subscription service. You can subscribe for a monthly subscription (“Monthly Subscription”) which will continue month to month for 12 months before revalidation is required. The Irish Times will bill the monthly subscription fee for a period of 12 months to your chosen payment method unless and until you cancel your subscription or it is terminated by The Irish Times.

iii. You can also subscribe for an annual subscription (“Annual Subscription”). The Irish Times will bill your chosen payment method in a single one-off payment on the date your subscription commences

iv. Student Digital Subscriptions are valid for twelve months only from the date of validation. Subscriptions may be renewed following this period provided the claimant continues to meet the eligibility criteria.

v. Subscription must be redeemed by the named claimant in all cases and may not be transferred under any circumstances.

iv. A subscription may only be claimed by a person who is at the time of redemption a third-level student. If it comes to the notice of The Irish Times that a student subscription has been redeemed by a person who was not at the time of redemption a third-level student, we reserve the right to cancel the subscription without notice.

iiv. The User has a responsibility to ensure that the email address they supply for the student subscription is correct and no liability will be accepted by the Irish Times for any error or inaccuracy in the email address provided by the User.

iiiv. If your subscription payment is not successfully settled with the billing period set out in term (vi) above or you breach any of the Terms The Irish Times reserves the right to terminate your subscription immediately.

ix. In the case of Monthly Subscriptions all payments are non-refundable.

x. You can cancel your Monthly Subscription at any time. To cancel your Monthly Subscription you need to telephone +353 (1) 9203901 or send an email to cancelmysubscription@irishtimes.com which must be received by The Irish Times at least ten business days in advance of your monthly billing date. You will continue to receive access to The Irish Times until the end of the monthly billing period.

xi. For the Terms a business day means Monday to Friday 8.00am to 8.00pm and any day which is not a public or bank holiday in the Republic of Ireland.

xii. The Irish Times reserves the right to amend the subscription fees for Student Subscriptions at any time at its absolute discretion. Should The Irish Times change the subscription fees you will be notified by email and the increased subscription fees will apply to the next monthly or annual billing period as applicable.

xiii. The Irish Times reserves the right to decline to provide a student subscription to any individual.

(l) Newspaper Delivery Service

The TOS together with the additional terms set out below (“the Terms”) apply to any contract between you and The Irish Times when you subscribe for the Newspaper Delivery Service, Irish Examiner (Weekend and Complete) or the Evening Echo (Weekend and Complete).

i. You may only subscribe to the Newspaper Delivery Service if you are at least 18 years or older and legally capable of entering into binding contracts. Further the address to which you want the newspapers delivered must be one to which The Irish Times delivers. To check if your address is one to which The Irish Times delivers please see https://www.irishtimes.com/subscriptions

ii. In order to subscribe for the supply of the Newspaper Delivery Service you must register and set up an account on the Site and provide The Irish Times with a current valid payment method. The following payment methods are accepted: Visa, MasterCard, Debit Card and Amex.

iii. The Irish Times will endeavour to deliver the newspaper to the designated address prior to 7.30 am however The Irish Times does not guarantee delivery by that time and shall have no liability whatsoever for any papers delivered after that time.

iv. This is a subscription service. You can subscribe for a monthly subscription (“Monthly Subscription”) which will continue month to month and The Irish Times will bill the monthly subscription fee to your payment method unless and until you cancel your subscription or it is terminated by The Irish Times.

v. You can also subscribe for an annual subscription (“Annual Subscription”) which will continue year to year and The Irish Times will bill your payment method unless and until you cancel your subscription or it is terminated by The Irish Times.

vi. Your payment method will be billed each month and in the case of a Monthly Subscription on the date you subscribe and on the first day of each month thereafter and each year in the case of an Annual Subscription on the calendar day corresponding to the commencement of your initial annual subscription for the Newspaper Delivery Service Service.

vii. If your subscription payment is not successfully settled with the billing period set out in term (vi) above or you breach any of the Terms The Irish Times reserves the right to terminate your subscription immediately.

viii. In the case of Monthly Subscriptions all payments are non-refundable.

ix. You can cancel your Monthly Subscription at any time. To cancel your Monthly Subscription you need to telephone +353 (1) 9203901 or send an email to cancelmysubscription@irishtimes.com which must be received by The Irish Times at least ten business days in advance of your monthly billing date, which is calculated in accordance with term (vi) above. You will continue to receive the Newspaper Delivery Service Service until the end of the monthly billing period.

x. You can cancel your Annual Subscription any time. To cancel your Annual Subscription you need to telephone +353 (1) 9203901 or send an email to cancelmysubscription@irishtimes.com which must be received by The Irish Times at least ten business days in advance of your annual billing date, which is calculated in accordance with term (vi). You will continue to receive the Newspaper Delivery Service Service for any unused portion of the month, calculated as the monthly anniversary of the date of your initial subscription, in which you cancel.

xi. For the purpose of the Terms a business days means Monday to Friday 8.00 am to 8.00pm and any day which is not a public or bank holiday in the Republic of Ireland.

xii. The Irish Times reserves the right to increase the subscription fees for the Newspaper Delivery Service Service at any time at its absolute discretion. Should The Irish Times change the subscription fees you will be notified by email and the increased subscription fees will apply to the next monthly or annual billing period as applicable.

xiii. The Irish Times reserves the right to decline to provide the Newspaper Delivery Service Service to any individual or company.

xiv. You can book your subscription holiday online using the My Account service or by contacting us by telephone at +353 (1) 9203901 or by email at info@newsdelivery.ie. We need 2 full working days to process your holiday request. A credit will be applied to your account in the payment following your holiday period.

(m) Bundle Subscriptions

The Irish Times may at its sole discretion offer bundle subscriptions to the Digital Subscription (Premium and Standard Digital), Irish Examiner (ePaper), Evening Echo (ePaper) and the Newspaper Delivery Service together. Where such subscriptions are offered as part of a bundle the terms and conditions in relation to the individual subscriptions still apply, including the terms set above detailing how to cancel subscriptions. If a bundle subscription is canceled, it is canceled in its entirety.

(n) News Service

The content of this service is provided for informational purposes only and The Irish Times makes no warranty as to the accuracy or reliability of any information obtained through the service or that defects in the service will be corrected. In particular, but without limitation, we shall not be responsible or liable for any trading or investment decisions made based on such information.

(o) Other Services

(i) News Digest/Email Newsletters: This free service (for which registration is required) is provided for informational services only and The Irish Times makes no warranty as to the accuracy and reliability of any information obtained through this service or that any defects in the service will be corrected.

(ii) News Alerts: This free service (for which registration is required) is provided for informational services only and The Irish Times makes no warranty as to the accuracy and reliability of any information obtained through this service or that defects in the service will be corrected.

(p) Black Friday Sale

The terms and conditions under this heading relate to the annual Black Friday 2023 half price Standard & Premium Digital Annual Subscriptions.

i. The Promotion is only available to new and returning Irish Times customers. Offer is not available to existing customers.

ii. The price of the promotion is specific to your location.

iii. Please note that the subscription will automatically renew at the full price applicable at renewal date.

iv. The Promotion entitles you to 50% off the full annual price paid upfront of the subscription to Irish Times Standard or Premium Digital Subscription at half price.

  • Standard Digital Annual Subscription: Europe €57 for the first year, UK £50 for the first year, USA $57 for the first year, Rest of World €57 for the first year.
  • Premium Digital Annual Subscription: Europe €75 for the first year, UK £57 for the first year, USA $85 for the first year, Rest of World €75 for the first year.

v. All instructions and descriptions included in the Promotion Message form part of these terms and conditions.

vi. The Irish Times’ own terms and conditions will apply to any purchase of an Irish Times’ subscription made in conjunction with this offer.

vii. Except as expressly provided in these terms and conditions, all conditions, terms, warranties and representations whether express or implied by law in relation to the provision of the Promotion are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.

(q) Low start offer

The terms and conditions under this heading relate to the low start Irish Times Standard Digital Subscription offer.

i. The Promotion is only available to new and returning Irish Times customers. Offer is not available to existing customers.

ii. The price of the promotion is specific to your location.

iii. The Promotion entitles you to over 90% off a Standard Digital subscription.

  • Europe €1 per month for 4 months; UK £1 per month for 4 months; USA/Rest of World $1 per month for 4 months.
  • Europe €1 per month for 6 months; UK £6 per month for 6 months; USA/Rest of World $1 per month for 6 months.

iv. All instructions and descriptions included in the Promotion Message form part of these terms and conditions.

v. The low start offer can be cancelled at any time but there will be no refund, partial or otherwise, for the balance of the monthly term if cancelled early.

vi. The Irish Times’ own terms and conditions will apply to any purchase of an Irish Times subscription made in conjunction with this offer.

vii. Except as expressly provided in these terms and conditions, all conditions, terms, warranties and representations whether express or implied by law in relation to the provision of the Promotion are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.

(r) Three months of the Weekend Bundle for €15 per month

The terms and conditions under this heading relate to the “Three months of the Weekend Bundle for €15 per month” offer. The Weekend Bundle consists of Premium Digital and The Irish Times Weekend newspaper delivered to your door.

i. The Promotion is only available to new Irish Times home delivery customers. The offer is not available to existing customers.

ii. The Promotion entitles you to the first 3 months of the Weekend Bundle for €15 per month. Your Weekend Bundle subscription will then auto-renew to the full price of €25 per month from the fourth month and onwards which may be increased at any time at the discretion of The Irish Times.

iii. All instructions and descriptions included in the Promotion Message form part of these terms and conditions.

iv. The offer can be cancelled at any time but there will be no partial refund for the rest of the term if cancelled early.

v. The Irish Times’ own terms and conditions will apply to any purchase of an Irish Times’ subscription made in conjunction with this offer.

vi. Except as expressly provided in these terms and conditions, all conditions, terms, warranties and representations whether express or implied by law in relation to the provision of the Promotion are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.

(t) €1 for one month Weekend Bundle offer

The terms and conditions under this heading relate to the Weekend Bundle €1 for one month offer. The Weekend Bundle consists of Premium Digital and The Irish Times Weekend newspaper delivered to your door.

i. The Promotion is only available to new and returning Irish Times Home Delivery customers. Offer is not available to existing customers.

ii. The Promotion entitles you to the first month of the Weekend Bundle subscription for €1 and auto renews to €25 in the second month and onwards which may be increased at any time at the discretion of The Irish Times.

iii. All instructions and descriptions included in the Promotion Message form part of these terms and conditions.

iv. The Irish Times’ own terms and conditions will apply to any purchase of an Irish Times’ subscription made in conjunction with this offer.

v. Except as expressly provided in these terms and conditions, all conditions, terms, warranties and representations whether express or implied by law in relation to the provision of the Promotion are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.

vi. The price of the promotion is only available in the Republic of Ireland

vii. The low start offer can be cancelled at any time but there will be no refund, partial or otherwise, for the balance of the monthly term if cancelled early.

(s) BlendnGo 2.0+ Portable Blender Student Promotion

The TOS together with the additional terms set out below apply to any contract between you and The Irish Times when you subscribe in conjunction with the BlendnGo 2.0+ Portable Blender Student promotion.

i. The offer is available to new and returning verified-student subscribers; non-verified users are not eligible to receive a BlendnGo 2.0+ Portable Blender.

ii. To avail of this promotion, you must be over eighteen years of age, attend a HEA-registered third-level college, and reside in the Republic of Ireland. This offer is not available to residents of Northern Ireland.

iii. This promotion is subject to a one-year contract period. Your portable blender will be delivered following the purchase receipt within 3 weeks. Cancellation will not be permitted after your device has shipped.

iv. The Irish Times will only accept the return of a blender in the event of a faulty product, as required by law; returns for any other reason will not be accepted. Requests for returns should be made by email to digitalsubscriptions@irishtimes.com, upon receipt of which The Irish Times Customer Care Team or their collection agents will be in contact to arrange return and replacement.

v. By subscribing to this promotion you agree to the terms of The Irish Times privacy policy with regard to the transfer of personal data to third-party service partners for delivery of your blender.

vi. You may not cancel your subscription after the cooling-off period. This is an annual contract. There will be no partial refund if the subscriber cancels the annual subscription early.

vii. Product information can be found here. BlendnGo support can be contacted here.

(u) Mobile Applications

The TOS together with the additional terms set out below apply to any contract between you and The Irish Times when you download the Irish Times Application. Please read this section carefully before downloading the Irish Times Application. This document is an end-user licence agreement (EULA) which is a legal agreement between you (“End-user or you”) and The Irish Times DAC ( “Licensor, us, or we”) for: The Irish Times News and/or The Irish Times Digital (” the Apps”).

We licence use of the Apps to you on the basis of this EULA and these TOS and subject to any rules or policies applied by an Appstore provider or operator from whose site you download the Apps (Appstore Rules). We do not sell the Apps to you. We remain the owners of the Apps at all times.

Important notice:

By downloading the Apps from the Appstore or clicking on the “Accept/Install” button below you agree to the terms of the licence which will bind you. The terms of the licence include, in particular, the privacy policy defined in condition 7 and limitations on liability in condition 19 and below.

If you do not agree to the terms of this licence, we will not license the App to you and you must stop the downloading process by clicking on the Cancel button. In this case, the downloading process will terminate.

Agreed terms


The terms of this EULA apply to the App or any of the services accessible through the App (Services), including any updates or supplements to the App or any Service, unless they come with separate terms, in which case those terms apply. If any open-source software is included in the App or any Service, the terms of an open-source licence may override some of the terms of this EULA.

We may change these terms at any time without notice to you. Please check this page regularly.

From time to time updates to the App may be issued through the Appstore. Depending on the update, you may not be able to use the Services until you have downloaded the latest version of the App and accepted any new terms.

You will be assumed to have obtained permission from the owners of the mobile telephone or handheld devices that are controlled, but not owned, by you and described below (Devices) and to download a copy of the App onto the Devices. You and they may be charged by your and their service providers for internet access on the Devices. You accept responsibility in accordance with the terms of this EULA for the use of the App or any Service on or in relation to any Device, whether or not it is owned by you.

The terms of our privacy policy from time to time, available at https://www.irishtimes.com/policy-and-terms/privacy-policy (Privacy Policy) are incorporated into this EULA by reference and apply to those Services. Additionally, by using the App or any Service, you acknowledge and agree that internet transmissions are never completely private or secure. You understand that any message or information you send using the App or any Service may be read or intercepted by others, even if there is a special notice that a particular transmission is encrypted.

By using the App or any of the Services, you consent to us collecting and using technical information about the Devices and related software, hardware and peripherals for Services that are internet-based or wireless to improve our products and to provide any Services to you.

We may make use of location data sent from the Devices. You can turn off this functionality at any time by turning off the location services settings for the App on the Device. If you use these Services, you consent to us and our affiliates’ and licensees’ transmission, collection, maintenance, processing and use of your location data and queries to provide and improve location-based products and services. You may withdraw this consent at any time by turning off the location services settings.

The App or any Service may contain links to other independent third-party websites (Third-party Sites). Third-party Sites are not under our control, and we are not responsible for and do not endorse their content or their privacy policies (if any). You will need to make your own independent judgment regarding your interaction with any Third-party Sites, including the purchase and use of any products or services accessible through them.

Grant and scope of licence

In consideration of you agreeing to abide by the terms of this EULA, we grant you a non-transferable, non-exclusive licence to use the App on the Devices, subject to these Terms of Service, the Privacy Policy and the Appstore Rules, incorporated into this EULA by reference. We reserve all other rights.

You may:

download or stream a copy of the App onto a mobile telephone or tablet and to view, use and display the Apps on the Devices for your personal purposes only; and

Licence restrictions

Except as expressly set out in this EULA or as permitted by any local law, you agree:

not to copy the App except where such copying is incidental to normal use of the App, or where it is necessary for the purpose of back-up or operational security;

not to rent, lease, sub-license, loan, translate, merge, adapt, vary or modify the App;

not to make alterations to, or modifications of, the whole or any part of the App, or permit the App or any part of it to be combined with, or become incorporated in, any other programs.

Acceptable use restrictions

You must:

not use the App or any Service in any unlawful manner, for any unlawful purpose, or in any manner inconsistent with this EULA, or act fraudulently or maliciously, for example, by hacking into or inserting malicious code, including viruses, or harmful data, into the App, any Service or any operating system;

not infringe our intellectual property rights or those of any third party in relation to your use of the App or any Service including the submission of any material(to the extent that such use is not licensed by this EULA);

not transmit any material that is defamatory, offensive or otherwise objectionable in relation to your use of the App or any Service;

not use the App or any Service in a way that could damage, disable, overburden, impair or compromise our systems or security or interfere with other users; and not collect or harvest any information or data from any Service or our systems or attempt to decipher any transmissions to or from the servers running any Service.

Intellectual property rights

You acknowledge that all intellectual property rights in the App, anywhere in the world belong to us or our licensors, that rights in the App are licensed (not sold) to you, and that you have no rights in, or to, the App, other than the right to use it in accordance with the terms of this EULA.

You acknowledge that you have no right to have access to the App in source-code form.

Limitation of liability

You acknowledge that the App has not been developed to meet your individual requirements and that it is, therefore, your responsibility to ensure that the facilities and functions of the App meet your requirements.

We only supply the App for domestic and private use. You agree not to use the App for any commercial, business or resale purposes, and we have no liability to you for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity.

We are not responsible for any unforeseeable loss or damage.


We may terminate this EULA in accordance with condition 16.

On termination for any reason:

all rights granted to you under this EULA shall cease;

you must immediately cease all activities authorised by this EULA, including your use of any Services;

you must immediately delete or remove the App from all Devices, and immediately destroy all copies of the App then in your possession, custody or control and certify to us that you have done so;

Communication between us

If you wish to contact us in writing, or if any condition in this EULA requires you to give us notice in writing, you can send this to us by prepaid post to The Irish Times DAC at The Irish Times Building, 24-28 Tara Street, Dublin 2, D02 CX89 or by email to digitalsubscriptions@irishtimes.com. We will confirm receipt of this by contacting you in writing, normally by e-mail.

If we have to contact you or give you notice in writing, we will do so by e-mail or by pre-paid post to the address you provide to us in your request for the App.

Events outside our control

We will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform or delay in performance of, any of our obligations under this EULA that is caused by any act or event beyond our reasonable control including failure of public or private telecommunications networks(Event Outside Our Control).

If an Event Outside Our Control takes place that affects the performance of our obligations under this EULA:

our obligations under this EULA will be suspended and the time for performance of our obligations will be extended for the duration of the Event Outside Our Control; and

Other important terms

We may transfer our rights and obligations under this EULA to another organisation, but this will not affect your rights or our obligations under this EULA.

You may only transfer your rights or obligations under this EULA to another person if we agree in writing.

If we fail to insist that you perform any of your obligations under this EULA, or if we do not enforce our rights against you, or if we delay in doing so, that will not mean that we have waived our rights against you and will not mean that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If we do waive a default by you, we will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that we will automatically waive any later default by you.

Each of the conditions of this EULA operates separately. If any court or competent authority decides that any of them are unlawful or unenforceable, the remaining conditions will remain in full force and effect.

27. Additional Terms and Conditions for the Commercial User

The Commercial User agrees to pay the Commercial User Services fees where applicable as determined by The Irish Times from time to time.

The Commercial User agrees not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or exploit for any commercial purposes, any portion of the Content without expressly being authorised to do so by the relevant copyright owner. The Commercial User further agrees not to use the services to reproduce, scrape, automatically summarise or aggregate any portion of the Content without a prior licence or written permission from The Irish Times DAC.

28. The Irish Times Reader Offers

These terms and conditions govern your use of the Readers’ Offers Service on the Site. Please read them carefully before ordering any goods or services.

By ordering any goods and services from the Site, you agree to the terms and conditions:

(i) Changes to these Terms and Conditions: We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time. Each transaction is governed by the terms and conditions in force at the time of the transaction. Any changes are effective immediately upon posting to the Site. Your continued use of the Service constitutes your agreement to such terms and conditions.

(ii) Your Status: To place an order through this site you must be at least 18 years old and you must be legally capable of entering into binding contracts.

(iii) Reader Offers Status: The Irish Times offers for sale and accepts orders for Irish Times Pages and Irish Times photos. These products include framed and unframed Irish Times newspaper pages and various sized photos taken by Irish Times photographers (“Irish Times Products”). When purchasing an Irish Times Product, the contract will be between you and The Irish Times. All other products and services (“Third Party Products”) are offered for sale and supplied by third parties (“Third Party Suppliers”). We accept orders for the Third Party Products as agents on behalf of Third Party Suppliers. We are not a party to any transaction between you and the Third Party Supplier for the sale or supply of Third Party Products and, because of this, we do not make any warranty about Third Party Products or their delivery. Any claim you may have in respect of the sale or supply of any Third Party Products is with the relevant Third Party Supplier and not our responsibility. In this agreement, we refer to Irish Times Products and Third Party Products collectively as “Products” and we refer to The Irish Times and Third Party Suppliers collectively as “Suppliers”.

(iv) Availability of Orders: Orders for Third Party Products can only be made by persons resident in Ireland. Orders for Irish Times Products may be made by persons resident worldwide. The Service is available only for personal, non-commercial use. Any orders placed through the Site are considered subject to there being stock available and all dimensions are approximate. We reserve the right to decline to supply any individual or company.

We have made every effort to ensure that all colours are accurately reproduced on the Site, but cannot guarantee that they are totally accurate for all goods and services.

(v) Your Contract with the Supplier: The contract for the sale or supply of Third Party Products is between you and the Third Party Supplier and is subject to the terms of the Third Party Supplier. These will be notified to you directly by the Third Party Supplier. Where you are purchasing Irish Times Products, the contract is between you and The Irish Times and subject to these terms and conditions.

There will be no contract between you and the Third Party Supplier until you receive a confirmation message on screen detailing your order details and/or order reference number for your order.

There will be no contract between you and The Irish Times until you receive a confirmation email detailing your order details and/or order reference number of your order.

There is a legal obligation on the Suppliers to supply goods that are in conformity with the contract.

(vi) Prices: The prices for Third Party Products and Irish Times Products are inclusive of Value Added Tax (VAT).

Delivery of Third Party Products will be charged separately to the sale price displayed on this site unless otherwise stated.

Delivery charges for Irish Times Products will be charged separately to the displayed sale price and will vary depending on the size and delivery method of the products ordered. The delivery charge for the product will be displayed on screen before you confirm your order.

(vii) Payment: Payment can be made online with the following payment methods accepted: Visa, MasterCard and Laser.

(viii) Fulfilment and Delivery: The Third Party Supplier will fulfil your order directly to you by any fulfilment date set out in the confirmation of your order.

Irish Times Products will be despatched for delivery within five working days of receipt of your order, and your order will be fulfilled by any fulfilment date set out in the email confirming your order. Delivery dates will depend on the product ordered and the delivery type chosen.

If you order more than one Product, you should be aware that Products might be delivered separately.

(ix) Cancellation, Returns and Refund Policies: You will have the right to cancel the order with the Supplier within 14 days without giving any reason unless the goods are perishable or personalised for you. The cancellation period will expire 14 days from the on which you acquire or a third party acquires, physical possession of the goods. To exercise the right to cancel, you must inform us of your decision to cancel this contract by an unequivocal statement (e.g. a letter sent by post, fax or email). You may use the attached cancellation form but this is not obligatory. To meet the cancellation deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right to cancel before the cancellation period has expired. If you cancel this contract we will reimburse you all payments received from you including the costs of delivery (with the exception of the supplementary costs resulting from your choice of a type of standard delivery offered by us) without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which we are informed about your decision to cancel this contract. We will carry out such reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of such a reimbursement.

In the event the Product has been dispatched at the date of receipt of your cancellation of the order, you must return the Product to the relevant Supplier and the Supplier will credit your credit or debit card with the price of the relevant Product within 30 days beginning with the day on which notice of the cancellation was given.

All returned audio or video or computer software must be sealed in its original wrapping.

If you do not return the relevant Product within 30 days of notice of cancellation, you will be deemed to have accepted it, at which point a new purchase contract will be made and you will be charged for your order at the price set out on the Site. This does not affect your statutory rights.

If you are returning a Product because of an error on the part of the Supplier or because it is faulty, you must contact us in advance and the Supplier will refund the costs incurred by you in returning the product. Otherwise, you will be responsible for those charges.

For your protection, we recommend that you use a recorded delivery service when returning Products or otherwise obtain An Post proof of posting or insurance cover to the value of the unwanted Products. As stated above, you will be responsible for the costs of returning any Products unless they have been delivered to you in error or the Products are faulty.

(x) Content of Products or Services: Any opinions, advice, statements, services, offers or other information that constitutes part of the content of products or services made available for distribution on this Site are those of the respective authors or producers and not of the Site, The Irish Times or its shareholders, directors, officers or employees.

(xi) Our Liability and Disclaimer: To the extent permitted by law, we provide the Site without any warranties or guarantees. In particular, we do not warrant that the Site or any of its contents are virus free. You must take your own precautions in this respect, as we accept no responsibility for any infection by virus or other contamination or by anything that has destructive properties. Although we do our best to provide constant, uninterrupted access to the Site, we do not guarantee this. We accept no responsibility or liability for any interruption or delay. The Site provides content from other sources and while we try to ensure that material included on the Site is correct and the Third Party Products offered are of good quality, we cannot accept responsibility if this is not the case and, as stated above, we disclaim all liability in respect of Third Party Products. This disclaimer does not affect your statutory rights against the Third Party Supplier.

To the full extent allowed by law, you agree that neither the Third Party Supplier nor the Irish Times DAC will be liable to you for any consequential or incidental damages (including but not limited to loss of revenue, loss of profits, loss of anticipated savings, wasted expenditure, loss of privacy and loss of data) or any other indirect, special or punitive damages whatsoever that arise out of or related to the Site. If we are found to be liable to you, our liability shall not exceed the purchase price of the Product. Nothing in these terms and conditions shall exclude The Irish Times’ liability or the Third Party Supplier’s liability for personal injury or death caused by negligence.

(xii) Data Protection: All information received by us from your use of this Site will be used in accordance with The Irish Times’ privacy policy. We respect the value of personal information provided by you and will only otherwise transfer this information to the Supplier or the software host for the Site in order to facilitate your purchase.

(xiii) Use of Material on the Website: For the purposes of this agreement, “Material” includes, without limitation, text, video, graphics and sound material, published on the Site. You may download and print extracts from the Material and make copies of these for your own personal and non-commercial use only. You are not allowed to download or print the Material, or extracts from it, in a systematic or regular manner or otherwise so as to create a database in electronic or paper form comprising all or part of the Material appearing on the Site. You must not reproduce any part of the Site or the Material or transmit it to or store it in any other website or disseminate any part of the Material in any other form, unless we have indicated that you may do so.

(xiv) Third Party Advertising on the Website: You may see advertising material submitted by third parties on the Site. Individual advertisers are solely responsible for the content of advertising material, which they submit to us, including ensuring that it complies with relevant legislation. We accept no responsibility for the content of advertising material, including, without limitation, any error, omission or inaccuracy.

(xv) Governing Law: Contracts for the purchase of goods and services through this Site will be governed by Irish law. Any disputes relating to such contract shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Irish Courts.

(xvi) Contact Us: If you have any questions or queries please contact us by providing your name, address, telephone number and details of the product you ordered and addressing your correspondence to Irish Times Reader Offers, The Irish Times, 24-28 Tara Street, Dublin 2, D02 CX89.

29. Gift Vouchers

The purchase of gift vouchers on the Site is subject to the additional terms and conditions set out below:

(i) Gift vouchers are valid for five years from the voucher send date.

(ii) Gift vouchers cannot be exchanged for cash.

(iii) Gift vouchers can only be exchanged for the product and/or service for which they are purchased.

(iv) Gift vouchers will be subject to verification at the time of presentation.

(v) Gift vouchers cannot be extended and cannot be transferred.

(vi) The User has a responsibility to ensure that the email address of the recipient of the gift voucher is correct. No liability will be accepted by the Irish Times for any error or inaccuracy in the email address provided by the User.

(vii) Each gift voucher will be valid for a single redemption only.

30. Model Cancellation Form

Complete and return this IT Services Cancellation form only if you wish to cancel the contract

To The Irish Times DAC PO Box 74, 24-28 Tara Street, Dublin 2, D02 CX89 or send an email to cancelmysubscription@irishtimes.com