World Meeting of Families

Sir, – In recent years we have witnessed the silencing of six Irish priests who tried to dialogue with the institutional church. This policy continues today with the silencing of three women speakers, including our former president Mary McAleese, at a conference to be held in the Vatican. It is a disturbing sign of the times.

These three women have supported the inclusion of LGBT families in the Catholic community. Ireland has voted to legalise marriage equality yet the Catholic Church is trying to remove these alternative voices and families.

The original brochure for the World Meeting of Families contained photographs of many types of relationships. These have now been removed and replaced with “traditional families”. This is a stark message to us that only some are welcome at the Lord’s table and the World Meeting of Families in August. No doubt it will achieve its purpose and many will stay away from such an exclusive event. Another attempt to bury the reform agenda?

The two brochures are available for everyone to see on the We Are Church, Ireland website– Yours, etc,




Dublin 14.