Why is national debt not an election issue?

A chara, – How is our €215 billion national debt not a major election issue? During 2018, Ireland spent €5.2 billion, €14 million a day, simply servicing its debt. Think of the instant impact a €5.2 billion investment would have on our broken health service, our homeless crisis or our underfunded education system. Ireland has made €60 billion in interest payments on its national debt in the last 10 years!

When the next recession strikes, Ireland is going to struggle to cope because of this crippling debt and the billions worth of annual interest payments that will be given priority for payment.

Sláintecare if implemented will tackle the health crisis, and so we urgently need a similar strategic plan to become debt free eventually, because without debt our Government could invest in our public services to help them flourish. – Is mise,




Dublin 6.