Why is Dublin Bay too murky for divers?

Sir, – Peadar Farrell (May 8th) incorrectly links the murkiness of the seawater in Dublin Bay to Dublin Port's dredging and dumping at sea operations.

Our dredging operations are governed by an EPA Dumping At Sea Permit (S0024-01). This permit requires that we prepare an Annual Environmental Report (AER). The most recent AER was in respect of 2017 and is available on the EPA's website.

The findings in the AER are based on extensive measurement of conditions in Dublin Bay using a network of sophisticated monitoring buoys.

Mr Farrell’s assertions are contradicted by a key finding in our most recent AER (Page 48): “In conclusion, the measured turbidity results demonstrate that both the maintenance dredging campaign of September 2017 and the capital dredging campaign (October-December 2017) did not cause any discernible increase in turbidity above recorded background levels.


“The results show the spring – neap – spring tidal cycles and wave action during storm events are the dominant causes of the natural variations in turbidity which exist in Dublin Bay.”

Dredging has been a feature of operations in Dublin Port since the early 20th century.

We now have the science available to measure its impact and objectively confirm that dredging in Dublin Port does not damage the environment of Dublin Bay. – Yours, etc,


Chief Executive,

Dublin Port Company,

Alexandra Road,

Dublin 1.