UCC conference and Israel

Sir, – A letter (January 18th) signed by a number of academics in support of the University College Cork conference on Israel states that, "a cornerstone of our democracy is freedom of speech" and also talks about "academic freedom" and "open debate".

A number of the signatories, however, are supporters of the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel, which seeks to stop links with Israeli universities and prevent Israeli academics from speaking at or attending conferences.

It seems in the world of the BDS academics, freedom of speech and academic freedom are something to be enjoyed by them but are to be denied to Israelis. No other country on earth would be the subject of a conference where its very existence and legitimacy as a state would be openly questioned. That lends a sinister undertone to the conference being held at UCC. – Yours, etc,



Kilkee, Co Clare.