Twitter toxicity

Sir, – Regarding Conor Pope's experience of online abuse ("I told the world about my vaccine cert. It wasn't long before the abuse started", Health + Family, Online, January 11th), is it absolutely necessary to his admirable consumer advocate work to engage with social media, and to take note of mindless garbage directed at him? Why even look at any pseudonymous comment, or relay it to a wider audience?

Would he or anyone willingly, for instance, continue to stand drinking at a bar where he was buttonholed by an idiot screaming abuse at him, let alone being surrounded by a crowd of them? Having no involvement with any form of social media beyond a few private WhatsApp groups, I live my life blissfully oblivious of that utterly worthless torrent. Luddite or not, I’m sure I’m all the happier for it. – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.