Turnout and the electoral register

Sir, – I am writing to you about the statistic we often hear regarding voter turnout in our elections. Yesterday, I received my polling cards for this address. Included was a polling card for an individual who moved out of here in 2013. I have filled out the Dublin City Council form to correct the register in this respect at least twice, but it has not been amended.

This individual is also on the register at his current address in Dublin and at an address in the west of Ireland at which he has not lived for some 10 years.

I also discovered that as well as being registered here, I also have a vote in another Dublin constituency where I last lived in 2005.

This suggests to me that the electoral turnout statistics are a complete fiction. It also gives an opportunity to people to use other people’s votes to which they are not entitled or for people to exercise their franchise more than once.


Why is this anomaly not corrected by the appropriate authorities? – Yours, etc,


Drimnagh, Dublin 12.