Treatment of Uighur people in China

Sir, – The most striking if shocking aspect of your excellent articles (“China must be tackled . . .” November 25th) on the abhorrent treatment meted out to the Uighur people is the fact that so many Muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, for example, support these “camps”.

The mind boggles in disgust! – Yours, etc,


Co Cork.


Sir, – Your headline “Government concerned over China reports” (Colm Keena, World News, November 26th) is about the extent of the Government’s condemnation.

Forgive me for being cynical but I doubt if recently completed major meat export trade deals with the same country will be jeopardised! – Yours, etc,


Bray, Co Wicklow.

Sir, – The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists must be thanked by the world community for sharing leaked documents showing how an estimated one million Muslim Uighir people are being brutally suppressed in China (Home News and Opinion, November 25th).

We cannot expect any rightful response from the UN Security Council due to China’s veto in that assembly.

With increasing Chinese investment in Ireland will the Irish Government be reluctant to raise a forceful voice with the Chinese regime over these massive violations of human rights or show courageous leadership by calling in the Chinese Ambassador to Ireland, He Xiangdong, to Government Buildings to demand an end to this repression. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.