Tonight without Vincent Browne

Sir, – Michael O'Regan's memories of Vincent Browne (Opinion, July 28th) remind us again of what a loss he will be to political journalism.

When watching him in action one couldn’t help getting the feeling that he was there representing us.

We had come to rely on him to cut short the meaningless rhetoric and call out the hypocrisy we are subjected to on a daily basis.

All too often journalists allow our political representatives to insult us with diversionary waffle when quizzed on the issues of the day. While some prefer to take the respectful, often sycophantic approach, Vincent Browne relished being the grumpy and mischievous curmudgeon who cared not for airs and graces.


Who will now expose the buffoons, chancers and spoofers for what they are? There are many in high office breathing a sigh of relief this week that they will never again get the late night invite to the Ballymount studios, but most will, like all of us, wish him well. – Yours, etc,


Blackrock, Cork.

Sir, – He has done the state some service, and they know’t. No more of that. – Yours, etc,

