Time to suspend medical card prescription levies

A chara, – Due to the financial impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, people are now not collecting their medicines from pharmacies around the country. The fear of what may unfold in the coming weeks and months has scared patients into saving the cost of prescriptions for other essentials. Those that continue to have medication dispensed are now only taking what they feel is absolutely necessary.

A tsunami of patients in primary care with acute medical conditions is predicted in the coming months as patients are currently not attending their GP surgeries for appointments. This will be further compounded by patients not taking vital medication in the meantime.

The Government and HSE are doing a truly commendable job managing the crisis but they should now suspend medical card prescription levies for the duration of the pandemic. Ignoring this important issue will only prove to be penny-wise and pound-foolish with regard to our future health budget. – Yours, etc,



Stratus Healthcare

