Time to give camogie its due

Sir, – While I wholeheartedly agree with Keith Duggan’s article on Irish women’s sport (“Time to start paying more than lip-service to Irish women’s sport”, Sport, Saturday, December 12th), may I suggest that such an attitude begin a little closer to home?

On the very day of his article, a half-page was given over to the women’s All-Ireland camogie final on the second to last page. Meanwhile, the men’s All-Ireland hurling final covered the first 3½ pages.

Having some front-page billing along with an equally positive full-page write-up of all the Galway and Kilkenny camogie players, as Nicky English and Jackie Tyrrell did for the hurlers, would do wonders in promoting a new crop of super-stars in the eyes of young female athletes. – Yours, etc,



Trim, Co Meath.