Time to declutter street signage

Sir, – Michael Cranston (November 10th) is absolutely right to bemoan the proliferation of signage and poles throughout Dublin City. It might surprise him to know that there is a specific objective in the Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022 to “remove 50 poles in each electoral area for each year of the plan”. It would appear to me that this has been interpreted as “erecting 50 poles in each area for each year of the plan”.

However, the sad truth is that while I can and do hold the officials of Dublin City Council to account for not implementing the agreed policy, neither I nor, it would appear, any elected representative can hold to account the bureaucrats in government departments whose stupid and irrational circulars require local government officials to act in this manner.

Perhaps in advance of the local elections, The Irish Times might highlight the farce that is local government in this country and join me in seeking the removal of power from those in Government Buildings who have done so much damage and transfer it back to accountable local councils, which actually might know where and when a sign is needed. Apart from anything else, it would save an awful lot of money. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 4.