Time for a national housing authority?

Sir, – It appears we are to get a new State agency to tackle the housing crisis. I find myself wondering if it will follow the HSE model, the Irish Water model, or possibly the Irish Rail model. Whatever the case, we can no doubt rest assured that the problems are about to disappear! – Yours, etc,



Dublin 6.


Sir, – If it were not for government intervention in the housing sector in the 1930s to the 1950s in Dublin, we would have witnessed a massive housing crisis at that critical time of the development of our State. Thankfully governments then were not chained by the ideology of non-state intervention, and the basic need of people for decent housing took precedence over a developer-driven economy .

So social housing was provided on a unprecedented scale in new areas of Dublin such as Drimnagh, Crumlin, Inchicore and Ballyfermot, where close-knit communities developed with decent infrastructure provided. I and so many Dubliners are grateful for such State involvement, which provided us with much decent housing and amenities.

There is no reason why such a State-led intervention, as advocated by Fr Peter McVerry, cannot now be repeated in which the scarce resources of our society are once again put to work to benefit our people and not to enrich developers. – Yours, etc,


Malahide, Co Dublin.

Sir, – Reports that the Government is considering establishing a national housing authority are deeply worrying. Does nobody get it? The “national” bit is the problem. When local councils had the power, resources and staff to deliver social housing, they did so.

The crisis in social housing has primarily risen since the Department of Housing and Local Government has taken over the role. It will pretend that it doesn’t but the department controls the money, the staffing and the appalling bureaucratic rules that inhibit the building of social housing. Establishing a national housing authority effectively under the control of that failed department would be akin to appointing arsonists in charge of the fire brigade.

One of the solutions is clear – give councils that did deliver social housing the ability to do so again. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 4.