Threats to security of the State

Sir, – Martin Wall’s report “Cabinet warned about threat from foreign spies” (Front page, December 14th), details new threats to the State.

The review of the current white paper on defence should act as a wake-up call to Government on defence and security matters. The economic wellbeing of the State depends on robust security and intelligence capabilities, one that foreign multinational corporations can have confidence in.

The Government now needs to take seriously the crisis that the Defence Forces face, especially in relation to recruitment and retention of key personnel in areas such as cybersecurity and intelligence.

In order to address this, an independent pay review body should be established without any further delay. A review commission of the Defence Forces is also required, to establish what potential threats the State may face, and how the Defence Forces will respond to same, in future years.


Given the number of key undersea data links that run through State territory, the Naval Service needs to be resourced adequately to ensure security of key infrastructure.

The Defence Forces have served this State with distinction at home and abroad since its foundation, and will continue to do so into the future. What they require is for the neglect by Government to end; to get the proper resources in order do their duty, and a Minister with the ability to deliver these things for them. – Yours, etc,


Blackrock, Co Dublin.