The Pope’s €20m visit to Ireland

Sir, – I read with some astonishment the blithe statement by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin that the proposed papal visitin August 2018 will cost a staggering €20 million.

He is coming here ostensibly to celebrate the family. I am sure the many homeless families struggling to find decent accommodation (and given the Government’s record on the issue they will most likely still be in the same position come August) will throw their hands up in despair.

€20 million, if spent now, would make a huge difference to this issue. I can think of no circumstances where such gross wastefulness and continuing disregard for this shameful situation by both the Church and Government can be justified.

There is no man however exalted worth €20 million and at the expense of the very people he purports to cherish and champion. – Yours, etc,



Bray, Co Wicklow.