The Leaving – time to explore alternatives

Sir, – The failure of the Department of Education to develop a plan for a school-based alternative to the Leaving Certificate is shocking. It has been clear for months that it is unlikely that the traditional examinations could be held and an alternative would be required, yet it is only now that “engagement” with the various interested parties has begun.

A clear and relatively simple solution was and is available. Last year teacher assessments in the form of “calculated grades” were used. The only problem with this approach is the lack of an evidential base to assist teacher judgments. This base can and should be provided by what the ASTI refers to as assessment events. These are formal, teacher-led and graded assessments but with external monitoring and moderation to ensure reasonable standardisation across schools. These assessment events might make up half the marks in a subject, with the other half being given by teachers based on their knowledge of the students.

In my own subject, history, such assessments might be first, the project which students already do (submitted in full and supported by an interview to confirm the work is that of the student); second, a computer-generated bank of short questions to assess coverage of the full course; and third, two longer essays written under exam conditions.

These assessments can be conducted in schools, if pupils can return, but if not, online and under secure conditions – similar, for example, to the way in which all public service entry and promotion exams are run at present.


These assessment events should be agreed and set up at once.

Something along these lines should replace the traditional Leaving Cert for this year (and ideally permanently), but if that is a bridge too far, students unhappy with the grade emerging from the system outlined, could, like this year, sit the full examination in the autumn. – Yours, etc,


Professor of Education,

Dublin City University

Institute of Education,


Dublin 9.