The exercise prescription

Sir, – Olwyn O'Connor (July 31st) asks an interesting question, "Why do we so easily dismiss the physio's exercise prescription?"

As a chartered physiotherapist treating musculoskeletal problems for many years, I think there are a number of reasons.

1. Boredom. Exercises in general are boring to do, so people find other things to do.

2. Unrealistic expectations. Some patients think one session with the physiotherapist is enough. In my experience, most patients after one session will do the exercises incorrectly, and so either not benefit from the exercises or make themselves worse and then stop them.


3. Impatience. It takes many weeks of doing the exercises daily to get results and many people don’t realise that or do not have the patience for it.

4. Good intentions but little focus. Most people intend to do the exercises regularly but in reality don’t set aside time and so don’t do them.

The scientific evidence supports the benefit of exercise in the treatment of many musculoskeletal disorders.

Chartered physiotherapists are specialists in the area of movement and exercise therapy.

In order to adhere to an exercise programme from your chartered physiotherapist, I suggest patients realise that there is boredom involved in doing the exercises, that they give the learning and fine-tuning of the exercises at least a few sessions with the physiotherapist, that they realise it takes a few weeks to get initial results and so have patience for that, and that they set aside time on a daily basis to do the exercises.

Clinical pilates classes, under the guidance of a chartered physiotherapist and catering to the individual patient’s needs, are a very good way of achieving this, and thus help in reducing the tendency to dismiss the exercise prescription. – Yours, etc,


Chartered Physiotherapist,


Co Dublin.