The Eighth Amendment

Sir, – On June 15th, 2015, in an article headed "Sentiment trumped reason in marriage referendum" (Opinion & Analysis), Fr Vincent Twomey effectively blamed the success of the Yes campaign on an excess of compassion on the part of the Irish people.

“As the French say one can be too kind-hearted for one’s good – in this case the common good of society”, the Catholic theologian proclaimed.

On December 31st, 2016, Dr Twomey penned yet another article for The Irish Times, this time warning of an emotional response to the "very real suffering of some mothers with unwanted pregnancies" ("Repealing the Eighth Amendment will lead to abortion on demand", Opinion & Analysis).

Once again Fr Twomey invoked the French declaring “As the French say, our hearts lead us astray”.


Is this a record? Is it broken? – Yours, etc,


Dublin 8.