The call of the sea

Sir,– I totally agree with Margaret Riordan's sentiments (Letters, February 22nd).

I live in the same county, Kildare, as she does so cannot visit the coast. I grew up by the sea in Rosslare and in normal circumstances I drive there regularly to walk on the strand. I really miss the sea and those walks. – Yours, etc,


Naas ,


Co Kildare.

Sir, – I sympathise profoundly with Margaret Riordan. I am extremely fortunate to live about one kilometre from the beach. My near-daily walk there has undoubtedly preserved my mental health through the successive lockdowns. I have not personally been even remotely tempted to travel more than five kilometres from home, but I have never seen an explanation of why this distance restriction has been imposed.

I fully understand that indoor household mixing and assorted social gatherings need to be reduced to an essential minimum, and restaurants, etc, are closed. Just possibly, an occasional local outbreak might force the inhabitants of a particular community to be treated as lepers for a few days, but the ability to walk on a beach, climb a mountain, or, more important, visit a lonely, socially isolated elderly relative should not be affected by whether that relative lives two, 20 or 200km away. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.