The call of the sea

A chara, – Prof Mark Woolhouse, epidemiologist at Edinburgh University, told the House of Commons recently “There were no outbreaks linked to public beaches. There has never been a Covid-19 outbreak linked to a beach, ever, anywhere in the world, to the best of my knowledge”. Other scientists agree. Dr Muge Cevik, a lecturer in infectious diseases at the University of St Andrews, said, “We have known for some time that only 10 per cent of transmission events are linked to outdoor activities and even those generally involved either prolonged close contact, or a mixture of indoor and outdoor time. Evidence around transmission of respiratory viruses directs us to people’s homes and workplaces”.

Because of my address, I am forbidden, by law, from having a much longed for walk on a beach.

It would be delightful to fill my lungs with sea air and enjoy the incomparable coastal light.

I hope the Government lifts the 5km limit and permits inter-county travel soon before we all crack up. – Yours, etc,




Co Kildare.